CFP: IEEE SCC 2005 Special Track on Service Provisioning Strategies

Special Track 1:    
IEEE SCC 2005 Special Track on Service Provisioning Strategies  
Orlando - July 12-15, 2005

The Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) opens new opportunities to
provision and source applications through on demand, utility computing,
and pay-per-use business models. End-users can typically rely on 3
channels: (1) Publicly Available Web Services, (2) SOA-enabled
Application Service Providers (ASPs), and (3) Inter-Enterprise Business
Services Networks (BSNs). As service provisioning strategies are still
emerging, early adopters are developing new decision models to define
the scope and value of using externally sourced Web Services.
Among key criteria in selecting a provider are their Business Process
Management (BPM) and Model Driven Architecture (MDA) capabilities for
intelligent service and process discovery, composition, and

This SCC 2005 Special Track is focused on Service Provisioning
Strategies from 3 perspectives, namely Service Providers, Software
Vendors, and Business Adopters. We especially welcome value assessment
models, implementation case studies, and studies of SOA
application development methods that demonstrate the business value of
sourcing Web Services and Business Processes externally. We invite
papers from both industry and academia analyzing such strategic issues
1.        Service Providers:  

a.        Business Models and Architectures  
b.        Spin-Offs from Outsourcing Providers  
c.        Mobile Operators and Grid Services  
d.        Industry-Specific B2B Integration Alliances  
e.        Inter-Providers Alliances and Interoperability  

2.        Software Vendors:  

a.        Market Value for Software Vendors  
b.        SOA-Enablement of Software Vendors  
c.        Pricing and Marketing On Demand Software  
d.        Service Level Agreements (SLA)  
e.        Software Vendors from Developing Countries  

3.        Business Adopters:  

a.        Comparing IT Sourcing Models (BSN, ASP, etc.)  
b.        International Provisioning and Adoption Barriers  
c.        Real-Time Transaction Monitoring  
d.        Accounting Systems for Utility Computing  
e.        Security, Privacy, and Trust  
Paper Submission:  
Please submit your papers online before March 15, 2005, using the
SCC 2005 web site:
All the special track papers will go through a comprehensive review
process by a small committee organized by the special track chair(s).
The program chairs of SCC 2005 will screen the high quality papers
recommended by the special track chairs and make final decisions. All
the accepted papers will be published by the IEEE Computer Society
Press. Papers are limited to 8 pages and must follow the IEEE Computer
Society Press Proceedings Author Guidelines:  
While our system is a "double-blind" review process, we also accept
papers that are formatted for a "one-side-blind" review. In that case,
while authors are asked to remove all author information in the paper
and PDF file, it may be possible that their work and references clearly
reveal the author's identity. Our reviewers will be asked to reveal any
potential conflict of interest, and in that case they will be assigned
other papers.
Presenters and participants must register by April 29, 2005 on the SCC
2005 web site:
Journal Publications:  
All the accepted special track papers will be published as part of the
SCC 2005 proceedings.  
The enhanced version of the selected best papers will be invited for
publication in a special issue on "Business Service Management and
Service Level Agreement" in the International Journal of
Internet and Enterprise Management (IJIEM), Vol. 5, No. 2, Inderscience
Publishers, USA. It is expected this special issue will be published in
April-June 2007. ISSN (Online): 1741-5330 - ISSN (Print): 1476-1300,  
March 15, 2005          Full Paper Submission Due  
April 8, 2005           Paper Acceptance Notice Sent to Authors  
April 29, 2005          Camera-Ready Papers and Registration Due  
July 12-15, 2005        SCC 2005 Conference  
Special Track Chairs:  
Stephane Gagnon, NJIT, USA, E-mail:  
Patrick C. K. Hung, UOIT, Canada, E-mail:  
Program Committee Members:  
Morad Benyoucef, University of Ottawa, Canada
Barbara Carminati, University of Insubria at Como, Italy
Jen-Yao Chung, IBM, USA
Elena Ferrari, University of Insubria at Como, Italy
Wilfred Fong, UOIT, Canada
Ali Grami, UOIT, Canada
Salma Karray, UOIT, Canada
Anup Kumar, University of Louisville, USA
Katia Passerini, NJIT, USA
Pascal Pecquet, University of Montpellier I, France
Jennifer Percival, UOIT, Canada
Bernie Schell, UOIT, Canada
Richard Soley, OMG, USA
Kerry Taylor, CSIRO, Australia
Vladimir Tosic, University of Western Ontario, Canada
Miguel Vargas-Martin, UOIT, Canada
Hannes Werthner, University of Innsbruck & EC3 Vienna, Austria
Terry Wu, UOIT, Canada
Dan Zhang, UOIT, Canada
Aoying Zhou, Fudan University, China

Received on Friday, 11 February 2005 07:31:52 UTC