EKAW 2006 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management

*** Apology for multiple cross-postings ***

First Announcement
EKAW 2006 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and
Knowledge Management
Managing Knowledge in a World of Networks
2 - 6  October 2006
Podebrady (near Prague), Czech Republic


Key Areas (see http://ekaw.vse.cz for a more detailed list):

* Ontologies and the Semantic Web
* Semantics for Grid and Web Services
* Knowledge and Social Networks
* Knowledge Management
* Knowledge Acquisition and Modeling

Proceedings will be published by Springer Verlag in the LNCS series.

Important deadlines

April 1, 2006     Workshop and tutorial proposals
April 12, 2006    Research abstract submissions; Industrial abstract
April 19, 2006    Research paper submissions; Industrial track papers
June 15, 2006     Poster submissions; Demo paper submissions


Conference Co-chairs (joint contact: ekaw06chair@uni-koblenz.de):

* Steffen Staab, University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany
* Vojtech Svatek, University of Economics, Prague, Czech Republic

Workshop and Tutorial Chair:
* Heiner Stuckenschmidt, University of Mannheim, Germany

Poster Chair:
* Helena Sofia Pinto, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal

Demo Chair:
* Martin Labsky, University of Economics, Prague, Czech Republic

Local Arrangements:
* Andrea Kutnarova, Action M Agency, andrea@action-m.com

Programme Committee:

* Karl Aberer, EPFL (CH)
* Stuart Aitken, University of Edinburgh (UK)
* Hans Akkermans, Free University of Amsterdam (NL)
* Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles, IRIT- CNRS Toulouse (FR)
* Richard Benjamins, iSOCO (ES)
* Paulo Bouquet, University of Trento (IT)
* Joost Breuker, University of Amsterdam (NL)
* Philipp Cimiano, University of Karlsruhe (DE)
* Olivier Corby, INRIA-Sophia-Antipolis (FR)
* Paul Compton, University of New South Wales (AU)
* Stefan Decker, DERI Ireland (IR)
* Rose Dieng, INRIA-Sophia-Antipolis (FR)
* John Domingue, Open University (UK)
* Martin Dzbor, The Open University (UK)
* Jerôme Euzenat, INRIA Rhône-Alpes (FR)
* Dieter Fensel, University Of Innsbruck (AT)
* Aldo Gangemi, ISTC-CNR (IT)
* Jennifer Golbeck, University of Maryland (US)
* Asun Gomez-Perez, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (ES)
* Marko Grobelnik, JSI (SL)
* Michele Missikoff, CNR (IT)
* Riichiro Mizoguchi, Osaka University (JP)
* Enrico Motta, The Open University (UK)
* Mark Musen, Stanford University (US)
* Enric Plaza I Cervera, Spanish Scientific Research Council, CSIC (ES)
* Alun Preece, University of Aberdeen (UK)
* Alan Rector, University of Manchester (UK)
* Ulrich Reimer, University of Applied Sciences St. Gallen (CH)
* Marie-Christine Rousset, University of Paris-Sud (FR)
* Guus Schreiber, Free University of Amsterdam (NL)
* Nigel Shadbolt, University of Southampton (UK)
* Derek Sleeman, University of Aberdeen (UK)
* Wolf Siberski, University of Hannover (Germany)
* Rudi Studer, University of Karlsruhe (DE)
* Gerd Stumme, University of Kassel (DE)
* York Sure, University of Karlsruhe (DE)
* Annette ten Teije, Free University of Amsterdam (NL)
* Frank van Harmelen, Free University of Amsterdam (NL)
* Hannes Werthner, University of Innsbruck (AT)
* Mike Wooldridge, University of Liverpool (UK)


Podebrady is a calm town situated 50 km to the east of Prague, easily
reachable by car, by bus or by train in one hour. The town is famous for
its spas and its royal descendent, King George of  Podebrady. It was
founded in 1224 near an important crossing on the Elbe river. As early as
the 17th century a small spa was founded in Podebrady. The springs there
were considered the most medicinal in the region with their high iron
content. In the year 1905, an exceptionally strong spring with healing
mineral water has been discovered in the courtyard of the Podebrady castle.
Since 1908, heart, circulation and blood vessel diseases have been treated
in the carbon bath with iron-containing water.

The EKAW 2006 Welcome Party will take place at the Podebrady castle, the
birthplace of King George.

  Vojtech Svatek, University of Economics, Prague
  Nam.W.Churchilla 4, 13067 Praha 3, CZECH REPUBLIC
  phone: +420 224095462, e-mail: svatek@vse.cz
  web: http://nb.vse.cz/~svatek/welcom_e.htm

Received on Thursday, 15 December 2005 08:18:45 UTC