RE: Web Service Standards/certification


> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On Behalf Of
> Benton, Geoff
> Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2005 12:24 PM
> To:
> Subject: Web Service Standards/certification
> Hi there,
> Is there anywhere that people can go to "certify" their web services
> software?
> What I mean is this...I am looking at a (great) product called
> openadaptor as a way to link different data sources together.
> openadaptor is able to read from files, databases, JMS queues....and web
> services!  (It can read from loads of other types of sources as well :-)
> But, saying that it can read "web services"...does that mean that I
> could hook it up to any web service and it would work?
> Now, before you all reply saying "it depends how they have written it."
> - that's my point. Does it depend on how it's written? If I can connect
> and read from one vendor's web service, can I connect and read from
> another's?
> question is, are there any ways to "certify" some web services
> software to say whether it conforms to any standard? or is it just "suck
> it and see"?
> Any thought?
[Kingsley Idehen] 

In recent times vendors and users have come together to create interop
groups to address these matters. From the early days of SOAP you have the
soapbuilders interop group (at:
for instance.

My company offers an integration platform product called Virtuoso
( that provides integration of SQL, XML, and
Web Services in addition to supporting a plethora of industry standards. As
result we always seek out interop groups for the relevant parts of the WS-*
or initiate one ourselves.

Microsoft also has a WS-ReliableMessaging group
( and there is an interop
event taking place today and tomorrow (in physical and virtual modes).

Hope this helps.

Kingsley Idehen 
> Geoff

Received on Thursday, 14 April 2005 02:46:37 UTC