CFP: NYC WISE'05 Industry Track

		  C A L L   F O R   P A P E R S


WISE 2005 Industry Track

6th International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering
November 20-22 2005, New York City, New York


Sponsored by:
- Telcordia

Supported by:
- Object Management Group (OMG)
- Integration Consotrium (IC)


The goals of the WISE 2005 Industry Program are to foster exchanges
between practitioners and the academics, to promote novel solutions
to today's business challenges, to provide practitioners in the field
an early opportunity to evaluate leading-edge research, and to
identify new issues and directions for future research and development
work.  We invite submissions on all topics related to web engineering
including technologies, methodologies, and applications. Papers can
take the form of detailed case studies, technical white papers, new
methodologies, new standard specifications, benchmarking models, or 
any other contributions demonstrating innovative web engineering
technologies, methods, and applications. 

Topics of particular interest include but are not limited to those
identified in the conference CFP, as well as those listed below:

1. Technologies:
   a. Development of new web services standards
   b. Use of business process automation technologies
   c. Use of semantic web and grid computing
   d. Innovative solutions for performance optimization
   e. Benchmarking of leading runtime environments

2. Methodologies:
   a. Web engineering with a Model Driven Architecture
   b. Requirements engineering for web applications
   c. Software design reusing legacy systems and data
   d. Quality focus and use of Test Driven Development
   e. Benchmarking of leading web engineering tools

3. Applications:
   a. Case studies of major web engineering projects
   b. Implementation of a Service Oriented Architecture
   c. Outsourcing and use of Business Services Networks
   d. Analysis of industry-specific trends and challenges
   e. Benchmarking models in selecting web IT vendors


Abstracts due			June 10, 2005
Papers due				June 17, 2005
Decision notification		Aug. 12, 2005
Camera-ready copies due		Sept. 16, 2005

Guidelines and Submission:

All industrial papers will be peer-reviewed and published in the
regular conference proceedings.

For easy identification, industrial papers should have as their
title "Industry Track: rest of title". Please follow the guidelines
of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) published by Springer:

Please submit your paper online in PDF format: 

For more information, please contact the Industrial Program Chair.

Industrial Program Chair:

Jen-Yao Chung, IBM T. J. Watson Research (

Industrial Program Vice Chairs:

Stephane Gagnon, NJIT (
Shu-Ping Chang, IBM Research (

Program Committee:

Received on Tuesday, 19 April 2005 05:37:06 UTC