Get Your Book Published

Dear Writer:

Are you working on a book or seeking an agent or publisher?   We can help you do both, whether you have a nonfiction book or proposal or novel.

First, we can help you find an agent or publisher quickly through our e-mail query service to top agents and to editors at major publishing houses.  Our service -- PublishersAndAgents.Net -- was written up a few months ago in the Wall Street Journal as a new way that writers have used e-mails to successfully contact editors and gain deals with major publishers, such as Random House, Simon & Schuster, and Hyperion. In addition, people have gotten agents at top agencies, such as William Morris and ICM.  You can see kudos from over 80 clients who have used our service at our Web site.   

When you send out a query, it goes out to about 300-400 editors or agents, based on the type of book, since we send out targeted queries using our database of about 1300 editors and 850 agents. We can also help you in writing a query letter, since after sending out over 300 queries for clients in our 2 years in business, we know what works.  It’s a special kind of marketing letter that may be different than the style of writing you already do.

For more details, visit our Web site at  You’ll see information on how the service works.  And if you need help writing a proposal or turning your talks into a book, we can help with that, too.   Should you have additional questions after looking at our Web site, please feel free to send me an e-mail with your questions.


Olympia Vizcaino
Marketing Assistant 

Received on Monday, 18 October 2004 20:05:24 UTC