2nd Call for Papers - Workshop on Applying Adaptive Hypermedia Techniques to Service Oriented Environment

Dear Colleagues,
Please find below the 2nd Call for Papers for the "Workshop on Applying
Adaptive Hypermedia Techniques to Service Oriented Environments focusing
on Pervasive Adaptive Web Services and Context Aware Computing" at AH

The deadline for submissions is two weeks from today (1st June, 2004).
If you have any queries about the workshop please do not hesitate in
contacting Owen.Conlan@cs.tcd.ie.

Dave Lewis

PS Apologies if you receive multiple postings.


Workshop on Applying Adaptive Hypermedia Techniques to Service Oriented

        focusing on Pervasive Adaptive Web Services and Context Aware

                                 in conjunction with
Third International Conference on Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive
Web-Based Systems
                           (AH'2004, http://www.ah2004.org)
                      August 23, 2004 Eindhoven (The Netherlands)

                      Workshop Website: http://phaedrus.cs.tcd.ie

Adaptive Hypermedia Systems have typically acted as stand-alone
applications fulfilling a user's informational needs, e.g. personalised
content retrieval and delivery adaptive content and media management.
Such Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web techniques are beginning to
prove effective in many information based application areas, including
eLearning, Information Retrieval, e-Commerce etc.

Services, Pervasive Computing Services, Utility Services. Such
environments offer sets of 'potentially collaborative' services capable
of supporting user applications and context awareness. In particular,
research in the Semantic Web community is focusing on Semantic Web
representation, discovery, web service orchestration and choreography.
Whether using an Ontological approach or other knowledge driven
approaches, adaptive web services are now the subject of intense
research. In the case of ubiquitous or pervasive computing environments,
the features and services available to the user are offered through the
many devices in their physical environment creating the possibility of
multi-modal interactions. The adaptivity required by such services is
obvious but not always well architected.

This workshop will explore Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web
techniques in the composition of and support for service oriented
adaptivity. Areas which will be addressed include emergent service
oriented environments such as Adaptive (Semantic) Web Services and
Pervasive (Computing) Services as well as more traditional service
oriented environments such as adaptive eCommerce, eGovernment and
eLearning services. A key focus of the workshop will be to explore the
common problems in adaptive composition and delivery for adaptive
information as well as adaptive services. Through this workshop the
connections between personalisation and (web) service paradigms will be
investigated. This workshop also aims to identify and examine the
strengths of AH techniques in supporting, and being the subject of, the
semantic/ontology-driven composition of application services.

Workshop Topics
Submissions are invited on original, and previously unpublished research
in all aspects of applying adaptive techniques to service oriented
environments, including, but not limited to:

* applying AH techniques for the personalisation of web service
discovery, selection or composition;
* service architectures and interfaces for adaptive services;
* semantic representations of services, (information) domains, and
contextual information;
* knowledge sharing and information model interoperability;
* reasoning techniques for adaptive planning, decision support or
service choreography;
* semantic interoperability within the adaptive system;
* exploring the correspondence between hypermedia and composite
* the relationship between service oriented environments and semantic
* use of ontologies in service oriented environments;
* leveraging multi-modal devices in pervasive computing environments
through AH techniques

Important Dates
Submission deadline: June 1st, 2004
Notification of acceptance or rejection: June 22nd, 2004
Final versions due: July 16, 2004
Workshop: August 23, 2004
Main conference: August 24 - 26, 2004

Submission Categories
Full papers: 8-10 pages
       original and previously unpublished mature research results Short
papers: 4-6 pages
       original and unpublished ongoing research

All submissions must be formatted according to Springer LNCS guidelines
and submitted as an email to Owen.Conlan@cs.tcd.ie. All submissions will
undergo a thorough reviewing and refereeing process in order to decide
on acceptance.

The proceedings of AH'2004 will be published by Springer-Verlag in
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). Please check
http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html for instructions on how to
prepare submissions.

Program Committee
Workshop Chair:
Vincent Wade, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland

Workshop Co-Chairs:
Wolfgang Nejdl, University of Hannover and L3S, Germany
Owen Conlan, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland

Program Committee:
Wolf-Tilo Balke ( University of California, Berkeley, USA) Peter Dolog
(Learning Lab Lower Saxony [L3S], Germany) Nicola Henze (University of
Hannover and L3S, Germany) Cord Hockemeyer (Karl-Franzens Universität,
Graz, Austria) Dave Lewis (Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland) Dave
Millard (University of Southampton, UK) Declan O'Sullivan (Trinity
College, Dublin, Ireland)

Owen Conlan
Knowledge and Data Engineering Group, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland

Email:  Owen.Conlan@cs.tcd.ie Web: http://www.cs.tcd.ie/Owen.Conlan 
Phone: +353 (0)1 608 2158
Fax: +353 (0)1 6772204

Received on Thursday, 20 May 2004 10:00:31 UTC