(unknown charset) CFP: Second Web Services Quality (WQW 2004) at WISE 2004

First Call for Papers

Second International Web Services Quality Workshop (WQW 2004) 

Workshop URL: http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/wqw04

To be held in conjunction with the Fifth International Conference on Web Information Systems 
Engineering (WISE 2004) 

22-24 November 2004, Brisbane, Australia.

Aims and Scope
Web services have emerged as a key technology for rendering services over the WWW. They are 
interoperable across platforms and neutral to languages, which makes them suitable for access from 
heterogeneous environments. As a consequence of the rapid growth of web service applications and 
the abundance of service providers, the consumer is faced with the inevitability of selecting the 
"right" service provider. In such scenarios, the quality of service (QoS) becomes a benchmark to 
differentiate services and providers. Quality of service forms the underpinning for a broad 
spectrum of web service activities such as selection, scheduling, pricing and specifying service 
level agreements.

This workshop seeks to provide an international forum for discussion and disseminating of research 
in the area of web services quality. Quality is a vital and integral component for the success of 
the web services paradigm. The workshop will focus on a holistic view of quality that integrates 
the objective view of QoS in terms of metrics and the subjective perception of QoS in terms of user 
context awareness. 

The workshop aims to foster and facilitate discussion and collaboration amongst researchers in the 
area of web services quality. The topics for which submissions are solicited include (but are not 
limited to): 

* Definition of quality metrics
* Automation and validation of web services quality metrics 
* Modelling of web services quality
* Quality aware enhancements to UDDI Instrumentation of Web services for QoS 
* Agent-based web service architecture as a means of providing QoS attributes 
* QoS in grid-based services
* Computation of web processes QoS based on web services QoS 
* Semantic description of Web services QoS 
* Integration of context-awareness in to web service quality specification
* Estimation and prediction of QoS levels
* Scheduling techniques to support differentiated QoS levels
* QoS driven selection and composition
* QoS driven costing and pricing of web services
* Automated generation of Service Level Agreements from QoS specifications
* Multi-level quality descriptions for web services
* QoE (Quality of Experience) and QoBiz (Quality of Business)

Publication of Proceedings
The proceedings of the workshop will be published by Springer Verlag as Lecture Notes in Computer 
Science (LNCS) .

Key Dates 

Workshop paper submission: 20 June 2004 

Notification of acceptance: 2 August 2004 

Camera Ready Papers Due: 27 August 2004 

Workshop: Either 22 or 24 November 2004 (To be decided by WISE Conference Organisers)

Paper Submission 
Authors should send PDF versions of their paper by email to: 
Seng Loke (Seng.Loke@infotech.monash.edu.au) by the deadline specified. 

Dr. Seng Loke
School of Computer Science and Software Engineering 
Monash University 
900 Dandenong Road 
Caulfield East, VIC 3145, Australia 

Hardcopy submission is discouraged. 

The names and affiliations of authors should not be included in the submission to enable blind 
review. The papers should also avoid self-references. A separate cover sheet with the names, 
affiliations and contact details of authors should be emailed along with the paper submission. 

We encourage two types of submissions: 
1. regular submissions ^Ö not more than 12 pages in Springer format, and 
2. short papers ^Ö not more than 6 pages in Springer format. 

Details of the Springer format are available here . 

Submitted papers will be rigorously reviewed by the program committee, based on relevance, 
originality, technical soundness, and clarity. Accepted position papers and regular papers will be 
presented during the workshop. 

Workshop Organisers 
Dr. Shonali Krishnaswamy 
School of Computer Science and Software Engineering, 
Monash University, Australia 
Email: Shonali.Krishnaswamy@infotech.monash.edu.au

Dr. Seng Loke 
School of Computer Science and Software Engineering, 
Monash University, Australia 
Email: Seng.Loke@infotech.monash.edu.au

Dr. Amit Sharma
Software Engineering Technology Labs
InfoSys Technologies Ltd,
Bangalore, India.
Email: Amit_Sharma04@infosys.com 

International Program Committee 
Gustavo Alonso - ETH Zentrum, Zürich
Rashid Al-Ali, University of Cardiff, United Kingdom 
Boualem Benatallah, University of New South Wales, Australia 
Luigi Buglione, GUFPI-ISMA, Italy
Rajkumar Buyya, University of Melbourne, Australia 
Jorge Cardoso, University of Madeira, Portugal 
Fabio Casati, HP Labs, USA
Lawrence Cavedon, CSLI, Stanford University, USA
Coral Calero, Univeristy of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
Oscar Diaz, University of the Basque Country, Spain
Heiko Ludwig, IBM, USA 
Massimo Meccella, University of Rome, Italy
Michael Maximilien, IBM and NCSU, USA
Aad van Moorsel, HP, USA
Barbara Pernici, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Mario Piattini, Univeristy of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
Andry Rakotinarainy, CARRS-Q, Australia
Shubhashis Sengupta, Infosys Technologies Ltd, India
Leon Sterling, Univerity of Melbourne, Australia 
Bala Srinivasan, Monash University, Australia
Jian Yang, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
Arkady Zaslavsky, Monash Univeristy, Australia 
Liangzhao Zeng, IBM, USA 

We expect that at least one author of each accepted paper will register for the workshop and 
present the paper.

Received on Monday, 10 May 2004 22:08:52 UTC