Dear Sir,

enclosed an E-Mail I received. MAybe this is just a scam or possibly it really is corruption. That is for you to decide.

Yours faithfully

J. M. Bankes

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: othumbalawfirm2@mailme.dk [mailto:othumbalawfirm2@mailme.dk]
Gesendet: Montag, 29. März 2004 02:19


DeaR friend,

This letter is not intended to cause any embarrassment in whatever
form,rather it is intended to contact your esteemed self, following the
knowledge of your high repute and trustworthiness. Firstly, I must
solicit your confidentiality. I know that a proposal of this magnitude
will make anyone apprehensive and worried, but I am assuring you that it's
made in good faith and will be of mutual benefit.

I am Barrister OTHUMBA DAN (SAN) personal attorney to Mr. Mark barley a
national of your country, who used to work with brinnelli Development
Company here in Nigeria. Here-in-after, shall be referred to me as
myclient.On the 21st of April 2000, my client, his wife and their three
children were involved in a ghastly motor accident along Warri- Sagbama
Express road.Unfortunately, all occupants of the vehicle lost their lives
as the vehicle caught fire after the crash. Since then I have made several
inquiries to your embassy to locate any of my clients extended relatives
this has also proved unsuccessful. After these several unsuccessful
attempts, I decided to track his last name over the internet, to locate
any member of his family hence I contacted you.

My purpose of contacting you is to assist in repatriating the money and
property left behind by my client prior to his death before they get
confiscated or declared unserviceable by the bank where this huge
deposits were lodged particularly, OAK INTERNATIONAL TRUST BANK
deceased had an account valued at about US$10.2 Million dollars. The
bank had issued me a notice to provide the next of kin or have the account
confiscated within the next ten official working days.Since I have been
unsuccessful in locating the elatives for over 2 years now I seek your
consent to present you as the next of kin of the deceased.

since you have the same last name/surname so that the proceeds of this
account valued at US$10 million dollars can be paid to you and then we can
share the money afterwards. I have all the necessary official and legal
documents that can be used to back up the claim we may make. All I require
is your honest co-operation to enable us in seeing this deal through. I
guarantee that this will be executed under legitimate arrangement that
will protect you from any breach of the law. Please get in touch with me
by my private telephone No:+234-05-6172230 to enable us discuss further.

Best regards,

Othumba Dan Esq.
Attorney at law

Stadtwerke Solingen GmbH
Beethovenstraße 210
42655 Solingen
Postfach 10 01 46
42648 Solingen

Telefon 0212 / 295-0
Telefax 0212 / 295-1414

E-mail info@sws-solingen.de

Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates:
Bernd Krebs
Dipl.-Kaufmann Stefan Grützmacher
Dipl.-Betriebswirt Conrad Troullier

Sitz der Gesellschaft: Solingen
Amtsgericht Solingen HRB 4142


Diese Information ist ausschliesslich fuer die adressierte Person oder Organisation
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verwenden oder sich durch sie veranlasst zu sehen, Massnahmen irgendeiner Art zu 
ergreifen. Sollten Sie diese Nachricht irrtuemlich erhalten haben, bitten wir Sie, sich 
mit dem Absender in Verbindung zu setzen und das Material von Ihrem Computer zu 
loeschen. Sie haben uns gebeten, mit Ihnen ueber das Internet per E-Mail zu 
korrespondieren. Unbeschadet dessen ist allein die von uns unterzeichnete schriftliche 
Fassung verbindlich. Wir weisen darauf hin, dass derartige Nachrichten mit und ohne 
Zutun von Dritten verloren gehen, veraendert oder verfaelscht werden koennen. 
Herkoemmliche E-Mails sind nicht gegen den Zugriff von Dritten geschuetzt und deshalb 
ist auch die Vertraulichkeit unter Umstaenden nicht gewahrt. Wir haften deshalb nicht 
fuer die Unversehrtheit von E-Mails nachdem sie unseren Herrschaftsbereich verlassen 
haben und koennen Ihnen hieraus entstehende Schaeden nicht ersetzen. Sollte trotz der 
von uns verwendeten Virus-Schutz-Programmen durch die Zusendung von E-Mails ein Virus in 
Ihre Systeme gelangen, haften wir nicht fuer eventuell hieraus entstehende Schaeden. 
Dieser Haftungsausschluss gilt nur soweit gesetzlich zulaessig.


Received on Monday, 29 March 2004 10:03:45 UTC