ANN: 2nd International Conf. on Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC '04)

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2nd International Conference on
Service Oriented Computing

New York City, NY, USA
November 15-19, 2004

Co-sponsored by ACM SIGWEB and ACM SIGSOFT (approval pending)

Service Oriented Computing (SOC) is the new emerging paradigm for
distributed computing and e-business processing that is changing the
way software applications are designed, architected, delivered and
consumed. Services are autonomous platform-independent computational
elements that can be described, published, discovered, orchestrated
and programmed using standard protocols for the purpose of building
agile networks of collaborating business applications distributed
within and across organizational boundaries.

Combined with recent developments in the area of distributed systems,
workflow management systems, business protocols and languages,
services can provide the automated support needed for e-business
integration both at the data and business logic level. They also
provide a sound support framework for developing complex business
transaction sequences and business collaboration applications.

Adopting the service oriented computing paradigm has the potential to
bring about reduced programming complexity and costs, lower
maintenance costs, faster time-to-market, new revenue streams and
improved operational efficiency.

However, before the service oriented computing paradigm becomes
reality, there is a number of challenging issues that need to be
addressed including among other things service modeling and design
methodologies, architectural approaches, service development,
deployment and composition, programming and evolution of services and
their supporting technologies and infrastructure.

This conference aims to bring together researchers and developers from
diverse areas of computing and developers to explore and address these
challenging research issues in order to develop a common research
agenda and vision for service oriented computing.


Core service activities and technologies
Service description and advertisement
Service discovery and selection
Service monitoring and management
Service quality
Service level agreement lifecyle
Service composition
Service security issues & concerns
Business process modeling and specification
Business protocols & transactions

Software engineering techniques for service-based development
Service lifecycle
Service analysis techniques
Service design principles
Service design patterns
Requirements for service-oriented processes

Infrastructure issues for Service Oriented Applications
Scalable techniques for providing high availability and reliability
Security and robustness of service-oriented Computing systems
Novel architectural approaches for service-oriented computing
Autonomous, self-configuring systems for service-oriented computing
Resource management for service-oriented computing systems
Distributed storage for service-oriented computing systems
Operating system support for scalable computing services
Thin-client computing for computing services

Service & AI Computing
Intelligent services
Multi-agent based service models
Knowledge-management & services
Service brokering & composition-panning
Non-conventional planning techniques for services

Service & P2P/Grid Computing
Open/dynamic grid service architectures
Grid computing & services on-demand
Communication protocols & policy based management mechanisms
Publish-Subscribe schemes
Real-time supply chain integration
Performance analysis & evaluation

Service & Mobile Computing
Location-based services
Proximity-based notification
Mobile e-business
Services for 3G+ Networks
Disaster Recovery and Continuous Operation

Service Computing & Applications
Telecommunication service provisioning
Banking and insurance service based applications


General Chairs:  Paolo Traverso, ITC-irst (I)
   Sanjiva Weerawarana, IBM Research (USA)
PC Chairs:
    Americas  Francisco Curbera, IBM Research (USA)
    Europe  Mike P. Papazoglou, Univ. of Tilburg, (NL)
    Australasia  Mikio Aoyama, Nanzan Univ., (JP)

Publication Chair: Marco Aiello, Univ. of Trento (I)

Industrial Papers Chair:Steve Vinoski, Iona (USA),
   Ioannis Fikouras, Biba (D)

Panel Chair:  Dennis Gannon, Indiana University (USA)

Registration Chair:  Asit Dan, IBM Research (USA)

Tutorial Chair:  Fabio Casati, Hewlett Packard Labs (USA)

Publicity Chair:  Bernd Kraemer, Univ. of Hagen (D)

Finance Chair:  Vincenzo D'Andrea, Univ. of Trento (I)

Local Organization Chair: Bill Nagy, IBM Research (USA),
    Jason Nieh, Columbia University (USA)


Paper abstract submission:      May 28, 2004
Tutorial and panel submission:  June 4, 2004
Full paper submission:          June 4, 2004
Notification of acceptance:     July 30, 2004
Final manuscript due:           September 3, 2004
Tutorials:                      November 15, 2004
Main conference:                November 16-18, 2004


One of the goals of the conference is to bring the academic and
industrial research communities closer. To this end the conference
solicits two kinds of submissions, research and industrial papers, and
places emphasis on the SOC industrial program.

Research Papers

The conference is soliciting only original high quality research
papers on all aspects of service-oriented computing. Submitted papers
will be evaluated on significance, originality, technical quality, and
exposition. They should clearly establish the research contribution,
its relevance to service-oriented computing and its relation to prior

Industrial & Applications Papers

The conference also encourages high quality submissions covering the
application of SOC in practice, including papers describing innovative
service-based implementations, novel applications of service-oriented
technology, and major improvements to the state-of-practice. Actual
case studies from practitioners emphasizing applications, service
technology, system deployment, organizational ramifications, or
business impact are especially welcomed.

Because industry-based authors typically create their submissions on
their own time in addition to their normal responsibilities, the
conference has different evaluation criteria for industrial and
applications papers to ease the burden for such authors. Specifically,
such submissions are expected to focus on details and issues
surrounding actual implementations and applications, and they need not
be as detailed regarding prior art as academic papers are expected to
be. Papers submitted to the Industrial Track are also expected to be
shorter than academic papers. Industrial Track submissions that do not
relate to commercial software and standards, or industrial prototypes
in actual use, are not encouraged. Because of these different
evaluation criteria, authors must clearly indicate that their
submissions are intended for the industrial track. Submissions that do
not specifically indicate that they are intended for the Industrial
Track will be submitted to the regular track.

Paper Submission Guidelines

Research papers are not to exceed 5000 words and should be submitted
in PDF. Industrial papers are not to exceed 3000 words and should
likewise be submitted in PDF. Paper abstracts not exceeding 150 words
need to be submitted one week prior to the paper submission
deadline. Acceptance of a paper means an obligation for at least one
of the authors to attend the conference and present the paper.


The SOC conference solicits the submission of high quality tutorial
proposals on any of the conference topics. Tutorial proposals should
not exceed five pages, and should include enough material to describe
what is being covered and at which level of depth. Proposals should
also indicate the required background knowledge of the intended
audience, the tutorial length (1.5 hours or 3 hours), as well as the
name, contact information, and short bios of the speakers.  A one page
abstract of the tutorial must also be included, to be incorporated
into the conference proceedings.  Proposals should be submitted
electronically to no later than May 14,
2004. Tutorial notes will be made available to SOC participants

Conference Proceedings

The ICSOC'04 proceedings will be published by ACM Press.

Program Committee

Vincenzo d' Andrea, Univ. of Trento (Italy)
Valleria de Antonellis, Universita' di Brescia (Italy)
Grigoris Antoniou, FORTH (Greece)
Carlo Batini, Univ. of Milano, Bicoca (Italy)
Luciano Baresi, Pol. di Milano (Italy)
Arne Berre, SINTEF (Norway)
Athman Bouguettaya, Virginia Tech (USA)
Sjaak Brinkamper, Univ. of Utrecht (Netherlands)
Chris Bussler, National University of Ireland (Ireland)
Tiziana Catarci, Universita' di Roma "La Sapienza" (Italy)
Alex Delis, Univ. of Athens (Greece)
Jean Jacques Dubray, Attachmate (USA)
Shachram Dustar, Vienna University of Technology (Austria)
Geoffrey Fox, Indiana University (USA)
Alex Galis, University College London (UK)
Yaron Goland, BEA (USA)
Paul Grefen, Univ. of Eindhoven (Netherlands)
Manfred Hauswirth, EPFL (Switzerland)
Willem Jan van den Heuvel, Univ. of Tilburg (Netherlands)
Paul Johanesson, Univ. of Stockholm (Sweden)
Kate Keahy, Argonne National Lab (USA)
Joe Klein, Microsoft (USA)
Manolis Koubarakis, Techn. Univ. of Crete (Greece)
Winfied Lammersdorf, Univ. of Hamburg (Germany)
Maurizioo Lenzerini, Universita' di Roma "La Sapienza" (Italy)
Frank Leymann, IBM (Germany)
Maurzizo Marchese, Univ. of Trento (Italy)
Fabio Massacci, Univ. of Trento (Italy)
Massimo Mecella, Universita' di Roma "La Sapienza" (Italy)
Enrico Nardelli, Universita' di Roma "Tor Vergata" (Italy)
Massimo Paolucci, Carnegie Mellon University (USA)
George Papadopoulos, Univ. of Cyprus (Cyprus)
Oscar Pastor, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (Spain)
Barbara Pernici, Pol. di Milano, (Italy)
Giocomo Piccinelli, University College London (UK)
Dimitris Plexousakis, FORTH (Greece)
Matei Ripeanu, University of Chicago (USA)
Thomas Risse, IPSI, Fraunhofer (Germany)
Colette Rolland, Univ. Paris I (France)
Amit Sheth, University of Georgia (USA)
Maarten Steen, Telematica Instituut (Netherlands)
Munindar Singh, North Carolina State University (USA)
Katia Sycara, Carnegie Mellon University (USA)
Satish Thatte, Microsoft (USA)
Aphrodite Tsalgatidou, Univ. of Athens (Greece)
Steve Tuecke, Argonne National Lab (USA)
Werner Vogels, Cornell University (USA)
Bekt Wangler, University of Skoevde (Sweden)
Roel Wieringa, Univ. of Twente (Netherlands)
Andreas Wombacher, IPSI, Fraunhofer (Germany)
Christoph Zirpins, Univ. of Hamburg (Germany)

Additional Information

Conference Web-site:
For more information about the conference please send and e-mail to:

Received on Monday, 29 March 2004 05:21:35 UTC