Extended Deadline: IEEE ICWS 2004 - POSTERS


2004 IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2004)

July 6-9, 2004, San Diego, California, USA
Sponsored by IEEE Computer Society
URL: http://conferences.computer.org/icws/2004

ICWS is a forum for researchers and industry practitioner to exchange
information regarding advancements in the state of the art research and
practice of Web Services, to identify emerging research topics, and to
define the future directions of Web Services computing. 

We are planning a highly interactive and participatory meeting, with
ample room for discussing new ideas, work-in-progress, and thesis and
dissertations. Our Poster Session will be carefully planned to achieve
this goal. It will be held on the first day of the conference, combining
several forms of interaction between presenters and attendees. All
accepted posters will be published in a special section of the
Conference Proceedings in hardcopy and on-line version by IEEE Computer
Society. Attendees and Conference Chairs will vote for a "Best Poster"
award, which will be given out during a well-attended Conference event.

* The poster submission deadline is now March 21, 2004 (Sunday),
midnight GST. (old date: March 14)
* Submissions must follow the same format as conference papers, with a
size limit of 2 pages.
* Authors will be notified of acceptance by March 31, 2004. 
* Final copy of accepted poster submissions is due April 16, 2004.
* The poster submission form may be found below. 
* Questions: Contact Mario Jeckle (mario@jeckle.de) or Graciela Gonzalez

Purpose and Scope

This poster session provides a forum for attendees to illustrate and
discuss their latest Web Service-related plans, projects, and advances.
Posters may be on any topic related to the conference, describing
emerging or completed non-commercial work at your institution. The
posters will be an important way of sharing what is happening in Web
Services research and applications, so please feel free to submit one or
more posters to the meeting.

Poster Sessions Schedule and Details
* The Poster Session is scheduled on July 6th. Presenters are required
to set up their posters at least 2 hours before the official start time
of the Poster Session, which will be announced with the final Conference

* Size of poster displays should be no larger than 4X6 feet. Poster
boards will be supplied. Poster presenters must furnish all other
supplies necessary to display their work.

* The Poster Session will incorporate four main forms of interaction,

	1. Open Exhibition. Traditional open exhibition of posters, for
informal discussion with Conference attendees. All poster presenters are
required to be present at their exhibition when indicated in the
schedule, except while presenting at the "Speaker's Corner".
	2. Speaker's Corner. All poster presenters will be offered a
short speaker slot (5-8 minutes) to present their work in a specially
designated area of the Poster Exhibition floor. The scheduled
presentations will be included in the program if timely confirmation is
received from accepted authors.
	3. Focus Groups. Formal, short presentations (5-10 minutes) and
open discussion of selected posters in focus groups, held in a
Conference Room. Schedule and topics will be announced.
	4. Student Forum. PhD students will present their dissertation
work to get feedback from an advisory committee consisting of university
professors and industry researchers. Only 8 submissions will be accepted
for the Student Forum. Please indicate in your email if you are applying
for the Student Forum. Schedule will be announced.

* The schedule and presentation abstracts of posters to be discussed in
the different "Focus Groups" and the "Student Forum" will be detailed in
the Final Program and handed out at registration.

Abstract Submission Procedures:

Complete the form below.  Only electronic submissions are accepted.
E-mail to mario@jeckle.de and gonzalez@shsu.edu before midnight, GST, on
Sunday, March 14, 2004. 
Submit, as specified in the form below, a plain text email coversheet
that includes author and submission information and a one-paragraph
abstract of about 100 words summarizing the submission. Include in this
summary a description of the problem addressed and specific
contributions made. A PDF or MSWord file with the full submission
following the IEEE format specified for the conference must be attached
to the email. The attached document must be up to two pages long.
Submissions that exceed this size will be returned without reviewing.

(Copy and paste	 the following headers, complete the information
indicated, and attach your formatted poster submission. Email to both
mario@jeckle.de and gonzalez@shsu.edu )	 

IEEE ICWS Poster Submission Form 


Institutional Affiliation(s):


Poster Title:

Consider for Student Forum (yes or no): 
   Note: say yes only if the main author is a student, the submission
describes ongoing dissertation work, and the student wishes to
participate in the Student Forum. 

Poster Abstract (maximum of 100 words).

For Further Information:

Contact ICWS Poster Session Chairs: Mario Jeckle (mario@jeckle.de), U.
of Applied Sciences Furtwangen, Germany or Graciela Gonzalez
(gonzalez@shsu.edu), Sam Houston State University, USA

Received on Friday, 12 March 2004 12:43:53 UTC