IEEE ICWS 2004 CFP - Regular Paper Submission Deadline Extended

Subject:  IEEE ICWS 2004 CFP - Regular Paper Submission Deadline
Extended to Feb. 9, 2004 
    Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message. 
    2004 IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2004) 
    Theme: Convergence of Web Services, Grid Computing, e-Business and
Autonomic Computing 
    July 6-9, 2004, San Diego, California, USA 
    Sponsored by IEEE Computer Society Technical Community for Services
Computing (TCSC) 
    ICWS 2004 Call for Papers 
    ICWS is a forum for researchers and industry practitioner to
exchange information regarding advancements in the state of art research
and practice of Web Services, to identify emerging research topics, and
to define the future directions of Web Services computing. ICWS 2004 has
special interest in papers that contribute to the convergence of Web
Services, Grid Computing, e-Business and Autonomic Computing, or those
that apply techniques from one area to another. The industry application
areas that are of interest are business-to-business integration,
business process integration and management, content management,
e-sourcing, composite Web services creation, design collaboration for
computer engineering, multimedia communication, digital TV, and
interactive Web solutions. Currently, Grid computing has also started to
leverage Web services to define standard interfaces for Business Grid
services and generic reusable Grid resources. 
    As the first academic conference in the field of Web services, the
2003 First International Conference on Web Services (ICWS'03) was held
at the Monte Carlo Resort in Las Vegas, Nevada, June 23 - 26, 2003,
attracting hundreds of participants from 25 countries (USA, India,
France, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Australia, Canada, UK,
Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Germany, Japan, Italy, Korea,
Thailand, Finland, Austria, New Zealand, Poland, and Turkey). ICWS'03
has proven to be an excellent catalyst for research and collaboration.
With the growing interests of Web Services in both business and
scientific information management practice, we fully expect that ICWS
2004 will continue this success. The program of ICWS'04 will feature a
variety of papers on fundamentals, infrastructure, technology support,
and business management for Web Services. Topics of interest include,
but are not limited to, the following: 
    - Mathematical foundations of Web Services 
    - Data Management Issues in Web Services 
    - Frameworks for building Web Service applications 
    - Composite Web Service creation and enabling infrastructures
(e.g., workflow technology) 
    - Web Services Modeling & Design 
    - Web Services Discovery & Selection 
    - Semantic Web, Ontologies, and Web Services 
    - Dynamic invocation mechanisms for Web Services 
    - Contractual Issues between provider and consumer of Web Services 
    - Version Management in Web services 
    - Customization of Web Services 
    - Software reusability 
    - Web Services architecture 
    - Web Services Negotiation & Agreement 
    - UDDI and SOAP enhancements 
    - Web Services and Process Management 
    - Trust, Security & Privacy in Web Services 
    - Scalability and Performance of Web Services 
    - Web Services Standards and Technologies 
    - Autonomic Computing for Web Services Infrastructure 
    - Autonomic Middleware and Toolkits for Monitoring and Management 
    - Autonomic e-Business integration and collaboration 
    - Wireless Web, Mobility, and Web Services 
    - Web Service Based Grid Computing and Peer to Peer Computing 
    - Business Grid Solution Architecture 
    - Web Services based Applications for e-Commerce 
    - Quality of service for Web Services 
    - Multimedia applications using Web Services 
    - Grid Architectures, Middleware and Toolkits 
    - Grid Services Integration and Management 
    - Economics and Pricing models of utility computing and Web Services

    - Resource management of Web Services 
    - Solution Management for Web Services 
    - Adoption of Web Services by organizations 
    - Case studies on Web Services based applications 
    - Business process integration and management using Web Services 
    - Impact of Web Services Architecture on Business continuity 
    - Changing role of Information Technology Departments in
    All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings
in hardcopy and on-line version by IEEE Computer Society. The selected
papers will be invited to for submission to the International Journal of
Web Services Research (JWSR, and other
    Feb. 9, 2004 (Monday): Abstract and Paper Submission Due 
    (Extended from Feb. 2, 2004) 
    March 19, 2004 (Friday): Notification of acceptance 
    April 16, 2004 (Friday): Camera-Ready copy & Author Pre-registration
    July 6 - July 9, 2004: ICWS'04 International Conference on Web
    The papers should be submitted electronically through the ICWS 2004
Online Submission System at 
    Prof. Dr. Hemant Jain 
    Wisconsin Distinguished & 
    Tata Consultancy Services Professor 
    School of Business Administration 
    University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee 
    Milwaukee, WI 53201, USA 
    Phone: (414) 229-4832 
    Fax: (414) 229-6957 
    Prof. Dr. Ling Liu 
    College of Computing 
    Georgia Institute of Technology 
    801 Atlantic Drive, Atlanta 
    Georgia 30332-0280, USA 
    Phone: (404) 385-1139 
    Fax: (404) 894-9846 
    General Chair: 
    Liang-Jie Zhang (, IBM T.J. Watson Research
Center, USA 
    Industrial Track Co-Chairs: 
    Sinisa Zimek (, SAP Labs, Inc. USA 
    Roger Barga (, Microsoft Research, USA 
    Tutorials Chairs 
    J. Leon Zhao (, University of Arizona, USA 
    Panels Chair: 
    Calton Pu, ( Georgia Tech, USA 
    Poster Chairs: 
    Mario Jeckle (, U. of Applied Sciences Furtwangen,
    Graciela Gonzalez (, Sam Houston State University,
    Demo & Exhibits Chair: 
    Simanta Mitra (, Iowa State University, USA 
    Publication Chair: 
    Jen-Yao Chung (, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center,
    Sponsor Chair: 
    David B. Flaxer (, IBM T.J. Watson Research
Center, USA 
    Local Arrangement Chair: 
    Kwei-Jay Lin, UCI, USA 
    Publicity Chairs: 
    Patrick C. K. Hung (, CSIRO, Australia 
    Haifei Li, Nyack College, USA 
    Minglu Li, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China 
    Web Chair: 
    Carolyn McGregor, U. of Western Sydney, Australia 
    Jia Zhang, Northern Illinois University, USA 
    Karl Aberer, EPFL, Switzerland 
    Akhilesh Bajaj, University of Tulsa, USA 
    Roger S. Barga, Microsoft Research, USA 
    Claudia M Bauzer Medeiros, UNICAMP, Brazil 
    Elisa Bertino, University of Milano, Italy 
    Krishna Bhagavatula, Tata Consultancy Services America, USA 
    Athman Bouguettaya, Virginia Tech, USA 
    David Buttler, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA 
    Mohammed I. Bu-Hulaiga, Joatha Informatics Consulting, Saudi Arabia 
    Fabio Castai, Hewlett-Packard, USA 
    Ugur Cetintemel, Brown University, USA 
    Alok Chaturvedi, Purdue University, USA 
    Michael Champion, Software AG & W3C WS, Architecture WG,USA 
    Jian Chen, Tsinghua University, China 
    Dickson K.W. Chiu, Dickson Computer Systems, Hong Kong 
    David Cheung, HongKong University, Hong Kong 
    Alok Choudhary, Northwestern University, USA 
    Jen-Yao Chung, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA 
    Brian F. Cooper, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA 
    Terence Critchlow, LLNL, USA 
    Isabel Cruz, U. of Illinois at Chicago, USA 
    Francisco Curbera, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA 
    David De Roure, University of Southampton, UK 
    Asuman Dogac, Middle East Technical University, Turkey 
    Phillip Ein-Dor, Tel-Aviv University, Israel 
    David Embley, Brigham Young University, USA 
    Opher Etzion, IBM Research Laboratory, Israel 
    Peter Fankhauser, Fraunhofer IPSI, Germary 
    Dieter Fensel, DERI, Ireland 
    Avigdor Gal, Technion, Israel 
    Wolfgang Gentzsch, Sun Microsystems, USA 
    Carole Goble, Univ. Manchester, UK 
    Kumar Goswami, HP Labs, USA 
    Amarnath Gupta, University of California, San Diego, USA 
    Marc N. Haines, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA 
    Sumi Helal, University of Florida, USA 
    Alan R. Hevner, University of South Florida, USA 
    Michael N. Huhns, University of South Carolina, USA 
    Patrick C.K, Hung, The Hong Kong University of Science and
Technology, Hong Kong 
    Kazuo Iwano, IBM Research, Japan 
    Varghese S. Jacob, University of Texas at Dallas, USA 
    Mario Jeckle, University of Applied Sciences, Furtwangen, Germany 
    Vipul Kashyap, National Library of Medicine, USA 
    Daniel S. Katz, JPL/Caltech, USA 
    Martin Kersten, CWI, The Netherlands 
    Michael Kifer, SUNY at Stony Brook, USA 
    Roger (Buzz) King, University of Colorado at Boulder, USA 
    Hiro Kishimoto, Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd., Japan 
    Hiroyuki Kitagawa, University of Tsukuba, Japan 
    Manolis Koubarakis, TUC, Greece 
    Wen-Syan Li, IBM Almaden, USA 
    Ee-Peng Lim, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 
    Bertram Ludaescher, San Diego Supercomputer Center, UCSD 
    Sanjay Madria, University of Missouri-Rolla, USA 
    Leo Mark, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA 
    Dennis McLeod, Univeristy of Southern California, USA 
    Deependra Moitra, Infosys Technologies Ltd, India 
    MGPL Narayana, Tata Consultancy Services, India 
    Derek L. Nazareth, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA 
    Erich J. Neuhold, Fraunhofer IPSI, Germany 
    Murthy Nukala, Composite Software, USA 
    Kesav V. Nori, Tata Consultancy Services, India 
    Beng Chin Ooi, National University of Singapore, Singapore 
    Aris M. Ouksel, U. of Illinois at Chicago, USA 
    Srinivas Padmanabhuni, Infosys Technologies Ltd, India 
    Yannis Papakonstantinou, UCSD, USA 
    Bijan Parsia, Univ. of Maryland, USA 
    Ajit Patankar, UC Berkeley / Diginome, USA 
    Thomas E. Potok, Oak Ridge National Lab (ORNL), USA 
    Calton Pu, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA 
    Sandeep Purao, Penn State University, USA 
    Uday Ramteerthkar, Tata Research & Development Center, India 
    Louiqa Raschid, University of Maryland, USA 
    T. Ravichandran, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA 
    Berthold Reinwald, IBM Almaden Research Center 
    Arnon Rosenthal, The MITRE Corporation, USA 
    Marcus A. Rothenberger, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA 
    Akhil Sahai, Hewlett Packard Laboratories, USA 
    Hans-J. Schek, ETH Zurich, Switzerland and UMIT Innsbruck, Austria 
    Todd Schraml, The Revere Group, USA 
    Len Seligman, MITRE, USA 
    Vipul Shah, Tata Consultancy Services America, USA 
    Ming-Chien Shan, Hewlett Packard Laboratories, USA 
    Amit Sheth, University of Georgia, USA 
    Munindar P. Singh, North Carolina State University, USA 
    Il-Yeol Song, Drexel University, USA 
    Rudi Studer, University Karlsruhe, Germany 
    Vijay Sugumaran, Oakland University, USA 
    Katia P. Sycara, Carnegie Mellon University, USA 
    Mohan Tanniru, University of Arizona, USA 
    Jeffrey J.P. Tsai, U. of Illinois at Chicago, USA 
    Werner Vogels, Cornell University, USA 
    Kaladhar Voruganti, IBM Almaden Research Lab, USA 
    Kyu-Young Whang, KAIST, Korea 
    Clement Yu, U. of Illinois at Chicago, USA 
    Carlo Zaniolo, UCLA, USA 
    Jia Zhang, Northern Illinois University, USA 
    Xiaodong Zhang, William and Mary College, USA 
    Yanchun Zhang, Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia 
    Yanqing Zhang, Georgia State University, USA 
    Huimin Zhao, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA 
    ICWS 2004 Industrial Program - Call For Extended Abstracts 
    The industrial track of ICWS 2004 will be the forum for high quality
presentations on innovative commercial and industrial software for all
facets of web services.  These include significant applications
leveraging web services, standards for web services,
business-to-business applications, application integration, business
process integration and management, content management, composite web
services, multimedia communication, and benchmarking.  Submissions that
do not relate to marketplace trends, industry standards, commercial
software (or industrial-strength prototypes) are discouraged.  You are
welcome to send email with any questions you might have as you prepare
your submission to either of the industrial program co-chairs: 
      Roger Barga ( or Sinisa Zimek
    Authors should submit an extended abstract (5 pages maximum) with
the same formatting rules as research papers.  Unlike research track,
minimal or no reviews of submissions will be provided to authors during
notification.  Acceptance criteria will be innovativeness of software
and the potential of impact.  Please send industrial program submissions
by e-mail to the following industrial program co-chair: 
      Sinisa Zimek ( 
    to arrive by 5 p.m. US Pacific Standard Time on February 2nd, 2004.
Submissions that exceed the 5 page limit or arrive after the February
2nd deadline may be rejected without further consideration. 
    ICWS 2004 Tutorial Program - Call For Tutorial 
    Tutorial proposals should identify the intended audience and outline
the scope and the depth of material to be covered. Past experience and
successes of the presenter should be given explicitly and will be
considered positively. We are particularly interested in tutorials that
foster knowledge exchange among the researchers present at ICWS 2004.
The time allocated for the tutorial is 4 hours. 
    The length of tutorial proposals should not exceed 5 pages including
the short biographies of tutorial presenters. They should be submitted
to the tutorial program chair by email to J. Leon Zhao at on or before Friday, March 5, 2004.  If you need
to submit materials in hardcopy, please send to: 
    J. Leon Zhao, Ph.D. 
    Associate Professor 
    Department of Management Information Systems 
    Eller School of Management 
    University of Arizona 
    Tucson, Arizona 85721, USA 
    ICWS 2004 Posters Program - Call For Posters 
    ICWS is a forum for researchers and industry practitioner to
exchange information regarding advancements in the state of the art
research and practice of Web Services, to identify emerging research
topics, and to define the future directions of Web Services computing. 
    We are planning a highly interactive and participatory meeting, with
ample room for discussing new ideas, work-in-progress, and thesis and
dissertations. Our Poster Session will be carefully planned to achieve
this goal. It will be held on the first day of the conference, combining
several forms of interaction between presenters and attendees. 
--> All accepted posters will be published in a special section of the 
--> Conference Proceedings in hardcopy and on-line version by IEEE
Computer Society. Attendees and Conference Chairs will vote for a
[0x93]Best Poster[0x94] award, which will be given out during a
well-attended Conference event.
    The poster submission deadline is March 14, 2004 (Sunday), midnight
    Submissions must follow the same format as conference papers, with a
size limit of 2 pages. 
    Authors will be notified of acceptance by March 31, 2004. 
    Final copy of accepted poster submissions is due April 16, 2004. 
    The poster submission form may be found below. 
    Questions: Contact Mario Jeckle ( or Graciela
Gonzalez ( 
    **** Purpose and Scope: 
    This poster session provides a forum for attendees to illustrate and
discuss their latest Web Service-related plans, projects, and advances.
Posters may be on any topic related to the conference, describing
emerging or completed non-commercial work at your institution. The
posters will be an important way of sharing what is happening in Web
Services research and applications, so please feel free to submit one or
more posters to the meeting. 
    **** Poster Sessions Schedule and Details 
    - The Poster Session is scheduled on July 6th. Presenters are
required to set up their posters at least 2 hours before the official
start time of the Poster Session, which will be announced with the final
Conference Program. 
    - Size of poster displays should be no larger than 4X6 feet. Poster
boards will be supplied. Poster presenters must furnish all other
supplies necessary to display their work. 
    - The Poster Session will incorporate four main forms of
interaction, including: 
--> 1. Open Exhibition. Traditional open exhibition of posters, for 
--> informal discussion with Conference attendees. All poster presenters
are required to be present at their exhibition when indicated in the
schedule, unless presenting at the [0x93]Speaker[0x92]s Corner[0x94].
--> 2. Speaker[0x92]s Corner. All poster presenters will be offered a 
--> short speaker slot (5-8 minutes) to present their work in a
specially designated area of the Poster Exhibition floor. The scheduled
presentations will be included in the program if timely confirmation is
received from accepted authors.
    3. Focus Groups. Formal, short presentations (5-10 minutes) and open
discussion of selected posters in focus groups, held in a Conference
Room. Schedule and topics will be announced. 
    4. Student Forum. PhD students will present their dissertation work
to get feedback from an advisory committee consisting of university
professors and industry researchers. Only 8 submissions will be accepted
for the Student Forum. Please indicate in your email if you are applying
for the Student Forum. Schedule will be announced. 
--> - The schedule and presentation abstracts of posters to be discussed

--> in the different [0x93]Focus Groups[0x94] and the [0x93]Student
Forum[0x94] will be detailed in the Final Program and handed out at
    **** Abstract Submission Procedures: 
    Complete the form below.  Only electronic submissions are accepted.
E-mail to and before midnight, GST, on
Sunday, March 14, 2004. 
    Submit, as specified in the form below, a plain text email
coversheet that includes author and submission information and a
one-paragraph abstract of about 100 words summarizing the submission.
Include in this summary a description of the problem addressed and
specific contributions made. A PDF or MSWord file with the full
submission following the IEEE format specified for the conference must
be attached to the email. The attached document must be up to two pages
long. Submissions that exceed this size will be returned without
    IEEE ICWS Poster Submission Form 
    (Copy and paste            the following headers, complete the
information indicated, and attach your formatted poster submission.
Email to both and ) 
    Institutional Affiliation(s): 
    Poster Title: 
    Consider for Student Forum (yes or no): 
       Note: say yes only if the main author is a student, the
submission describes ongoing dissertation work, and the student wishes
to participate in the Student Forum. 
    Poster Abstract (maximum of 100 words). 
    For Further Information: 
    Contact ICWS Poster Session Chairs: 
    Mario Jeckle (, U. of Applied Sciences Furtwangen,
Germany or 
    Graciela Gonzalez (, Sam Houston State University,
    ICWS 2004 Exhibit and Demo Program - Call For Exhibits/Demos 
    The industry exhibition and is a highlight of the 2004 IEEE
International Conference on Web Services
( Exhibiting companies and
research institutions will provide products and services in areas such
as Web Services, Grid Computing, e-Business, and Autonomic Computing. In
addition, participating companies will be able to give a product
presentation in an exhibitor's track. The ICWS 2004 Industry Exhibits
complement the technical program and feature industry leaders. This
exhibition is one you will not want to miss! It begins on Wednesday
(afternoon) and continues through Thursday of ICWS 2004. Vendors may
also be interested in attending the ICWS 2004 industry talks. 
    IEEE ICWS 2004 is sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society Technical
Community for Services Computing (TCSC) and will be colocated with the
2004 IEEE Conference on E-Commerce Technology (CEC 2004). Over 300
e-business, software engineering, data engineering, and Web services
professionals are expected. To reserve your space, contact the exhibit
and demo chair Simanta Mitra (smitra AT or the general
chair Liang-Jie (LJ) Zhang (zhanglj AT 
    **** Instruction 
    To complete booth reservation, please follow the following steps. 
    STEP 1: The first step toward reserving a booth at ICWS 2004 is to
send Simanta Mitra an email stating the following: 
    Complete Contact information such as company name, contact name,
email, phone number, URL, and address The Product/Prototype Name, A
short (1 paragraph - no more than 3 sentences) describing the product, 
    STEP 2: You will need to send Simanta Mitra the signed contract
(form is available in doc format and pdf format.) and the payment. The
exhibition is on July 7th and 8th. You can start installing the exhibits
on July 7th after 8:30am. Please fill the forms and send to Simanta
    STEP 3: The ICWS 2004 conference has an exhibitors track - i.e.
presentation by exhibitors about their products/prototypes, services, or
solution approaches. Send Simanta Mitra ( an email
with the Name of presenter and the Title of Talk. 
    **** Exhibit Facilities 
    ICWS 2004 will be held at the Westin Horton Plaza Hotel (910
Broadway Circle,San Diego, California 92101,United States, Phone
619-239-2200 Fax 619-239-0509). Adjacent to the renowned Horton Plaza
Shopping and Entertainment Complex, the Westin Horton Plaza is in the
heart of downtown San Diego, with easy access to all of San Diego's
major tourist and cultural attractions. The hotel is located next to the
famous Gaslamp Quarter, Southern California's premier dining, shopping,
and entertainment district, and is within easy walking distance of
Seaport Village, San Diego's landmark waterfront shopping and dining
    **** Space Fee: 
    ICWS 2004 rates for exhibiting are $1,200 per tabletop for Wednesday
- Thursday (July 7- July 8). The latest edition of the ICWS 2004 exhibit
hall floor plan will be relased later. 
    ICWS 2004 Sponsor Program - Call for Sponsors 
    The 2004 IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2004, ) is sponsored by the IEEE
Computer Society Technical Community for Services Computing (TCSC) and
will be co-located with the 2004 IEEE Conference on E-Commerce
Technology (CEC 2004). ICWS 2004 will be held on July 6-9, 2004, San
Diego, California, USA ICWS 2004 is a forum for researchers and industry
practitioner to exchange information regarding advancements in the state
of the art research and practice of Web Services, to identify emerging
research topics, and to define the future directions of Web Services
computing. As the first academic conference in the field of Web
services, the 2003 International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2003)
has attracted hundreds of participants from 25 countries (USA, India,
France, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Australia, Canada, UK,
Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Germany, Japan, Italy, Korea,
Thailand, Finland!  , Austria, New Zealand, Poland, and Turkey). Over
300 e-business, software engineering, data engineering, and Web services
professionals are expected at ICWS 2004. 
    The industry sponsor program is a highlight of the 2004 IEEE
International Conference on Web Services. In ICWS 2004, we will organize
high quality regular research paper presentation, keynote speeches,
industry tracks, industrial exhibits and demos, as well as highly
interactive poster program. Exhibiting companies and research
institutions will demonstrate products and services in areas such as Web
Services, Grid computing, e-Business, and Autonomic Computing. The
industrial track of ICWS 2004 will be the forum for high quality
presentations on innovative commercial and industrial software for all
facets of web services. 
    We have offered different-level sponsorships for small-medium
companies as well as large companies. The sponsorship levels are: 
    **** Silver Level 
    Amount: >= 2500 US Dollars 
    - Your logo will be put on the conference web site 
    - Your logo will be put in the IEEE ICWS 2004 Conference Proceedings
and final printed advance program 
    - Your company name will be listed in the acknowledgment part in
published IEEE ICWS 2004 Conference Proceedings 
    - Company publications (maximum of 2 pages) inserted into conference
bags    One complementary full conference registration 
    **** Gold Level 
    Amount: >=4000 US Dollars 
    - Silver Level 
    - A free exhibition booth at ICWS 2004 (one free exhibition staff
    **** Platinum Level 
    Amount: >=6000 US Dollars 
    - Gold Level 
    - One additional complementary full conference registration 
    - 15-minute presentation opportunity at the Conference Dinner 
    - A Certificate for Appreciation Presented by IEEE ICWS 2004 
    In addition, if you are only interested in the exhibition and demos,
you need to contact the exhibit chair of ICWS 2004.  If you are
interested in sponsoring other professional activities organized by the
IEEE Computer Society Technical Community for Services Computing (TCSC),
please contact the TCSC chair, Liang-Jie (LJ) Zhang (zhanglj AT 
    **** Deadline: 
    April 16 2004: General Sponsorship (Platinum, Gold, And Silver) 
    April 16 2004: Corporate Logo submission deadline 
    For more information on how to sponsor the 2004 IEEE International
Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2004), please feel free to contact the
sponsor chair David B. Flaxer (flaxer AT or the general
chair Liang-Jie (LJ) Zhang (zhanglj AT 
    Download the IEEE ICWS 2004 Sponsorship Opportunities Form Now

Received on Friday, 30 January 2004 09:28:17 UTC