International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2004) Call For Papers


          3rd International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2004)
           Sunday, November 7 -- Thursday, November 11, 2004
               Hiroshima Prince Hotel, Hiroshima, Japan

The  vision of  the  Semantic  Web  is  to make  the  contents of  the  Web 
unambiguously computer interpretable, enabling automation of a diversity of 
tasks currently performed by human beings.  The goal of providing semantics 
and automated reasoning capabilities  to  the Web draws upon research  in a 
broad range of areas including Artificial Intelligence, Databases, Software 
Engineering, Distributed Computing  and Information Systems.  Contributions 
to date have included languages  for semantic annotation  of Web documents, 
automated reasoning capabilities  for Web languages,  ontologies, query and 
view languages,  semantic translation of Web contents, semantic integration 
middleware,  technologies and principles for building multi-agent  and Grid 
systems, semantic interoperation of programs and devices,  technologies and 
principles for describing,  searching and composing Web Services,  and more. 

The 3rd  International  Semantic  Web  Conference (ISWC2004) follows on the 
success of previous conferences and workshops in 
  Sanibel Island, USA in 2003 (,  
  Sardinia, Italy in 2002     (, and  
  Stanford, USA in 2001       (

The organizing committee solicits research submissions for the main research
track of  the conference,  as well as  for  the accompanying industrial and
posters track:
- research track (
- industrial track (
- posters track (

ISWC2004  also  encourages  the submission of proposals  for workshops  and 
tutorials, and system demonstrations.  Please see the ISWC2004 Web site for 
pertinent details.

The research track of ISWC2004 solicits the submission of original, principled 
research papers  dealing  with theoretical,  methodological,  empirical and 
application-related  aspects  of  the  Semantic  Web.  Papers  must clearly 
demonstrate  relevance  to  the Semantic  Web.  Topics include  but are not 
limited to the following:

-	Languages, Tools and Methodologies for Semantic Web Data
-	Ontologies (creation, merging, linking and reconciliation)
-	Large Scale Knowledge Management
-	Data Semantics
-	Database Technologies for the Semantic Web
-	Semantic Web Middleware
-	Knowledge Portals
-	Tools and Methodologies for Web Agents
-	Peer to Peer Systems 
-	Semantic Brokering
-	Semantic Integration and Interoperability
-	Semantic Web Mining
-	Semantic Web Services (description, discovery, invocation, composition)
-	Semantic Web Inference Schemes
-	Semantic Web Trust, Privacy, Security and Intellectual Property Rights
-	Semantic Web for e-Business  and e-Learning
-	Searching, Querying and Viewing the Semantic Web
-	User Interfaces
-	Visualization and Modelling

The industrial track of ISWC2004 invites the submission of original papers 
describing industrial advances in semantic technologies.  The goals of the 
track are to help researchers  understand  the current status and needs of 
industry, as well as to allow industry to communicate  recent advances.

Papers must be designated as belonging to one of the following three broad 

- Deployed applications, demonstrating the application of Semantic Web 
  technologies to real-world problems and assessing their impact
- Industrialization of technology, demonstrating successful efforts at an 
  industrial scale on productization of research results and assessing their 
  competitiveness and/or potential
- Industrial innovations, describing novel applications of new capabilities 
  and deployment plans in an industrial setting

Please consult the Industrial Track Web page for further information. 

To accommodate late-breaking results and work in progress, the poster track 
of ISWC2004 solicits contribution of poster submissions.  Accepted posters 
will be presented in a separate plenary poster session during the conference 
and  poster  summaries  will  be  distributed  to  conference attendees and 
published on the Web. 

Please consult the Poster Track Web page for further information.

Paper titles & abstracts - Research & Industrial Tracks: 	April 13
Paper submission - Research & Industrial Tracks:		April 16
Acceptance notification - Research & Industrial Tracks: 	June 14 
Camera-ready papers  - Research & Industrial Tracks: 	        September 6
Poster summary submissions - Poster Track: 			June 28
Poster acceptance notification: 				September 6
Camera-ready poster summaries - Poster Track:	  	        September 20

The deadlines for submissions are strict: no extensions will be given.

Research and industrial track papers must be submitted electronically via the 
ISWC2004 Web  page  at  Authors will be 
asked to designate whether they are submitting to the research paper track, 
the industrial track or the poster track. Papers must be submitted in either 
PostScript or PDF (Adobe's Portable Document Format) format. Papers will not 
be accepted in any other format.

Research and industrial track  paper  submissions  must be  formatted in the 
style of the  Springer  Publications  format f or Lecture Notes  in Computer 
Science (LNCS) (  Papers must 
be no longer than 15 pages  in Springer LNCS format.   Poster summaries must 
be no longer than 2 pages in IJCAI03 format (linked from: Over-length papers will be rejected.

ISWC2004 will not accept any paper in the research or industrial track which, 
at the time of submission, is under review for or has already been published 
or accepted for publication in a journal  or another conference.  Authors of 
accepted papers will be required to mark up the abstract of their submission 
for the Semantic Web (help will be provided for this task). Details will be 
provided on the conference Web page, at the time of acceptance. 

Please monitor for further submission details 
or changes.

The conference will be held at the Hiroshima Prince Hotel, which is a four-
star equivalent hotel  located at the edge of a small peninsula  facing the 
picturesque islands that dot the  Seto Inland Sea.   Hiroshima city has two 
World  Heritages  one  of  which  is  called  Miyajima  to which  fast-boat 
transportation is available at the hotel port. Miyajima has one of the best 
Shrines to visit in Japan.

General Chair: 		Frank van Harmelen (Vrije Universiteit, Netherlands)
Program Co-Chairs: 	Sheila McIlraith (University of Toronto, Canada), 
                        Dimitris Plexousakis (University of Crete. Greece) 
Local Arrangements Chair: Riichiro Mizoguchi (Osaka University, Japan)
Industrial Track Co-Chairs: Jun-ichi Akahani (NTT Laboratories, Japan)
                            Dean Allemang (TopQuadrant Inc., USA)
Posters Chair: 		Jeremy Carroll (Hewlett-Packard Labs, UK)
Tutorial Co-Chairs:	Vipul Kashyap (National Library of Medicine, USA) 
                        Takahira Yamaguchi (Shizuoka University, Japan)  
Workshop Chair:  	Natasha Noy (Stanford University, USA)
Metadata Chair: 	Steffen Staab (University of Karlsruhe, Germany)
Semantic Web Challenge Co-Chairs: 
			Michael Klein (Vrije University, Netherlands)
			Ubbo Visser (University of Bremen, Germany)               
Software Demonstrations Chair: Stefan Decker (DERI, Ireland)
Sponsor Co-Chairs: 	Akira Maeda (Hitachi Ltd., Japan)
			Massimo Paolucci (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
Publicity Chair: 	Akiko Inaba (Osaka University, Japan)

Received on Friday, 13 February 2004 22:02:58 UTC