Re: Grounding puzzle

   > What is a successful query event?  One that terminated, one that got
   > the right answer, ...?  In any event, surely the query was successful
   > if after receiving the answer one knows that the result returned by
   > Friendly DB, Inc. is the phone number of the person inquired about.

   [Yuzhong Qu]
   I meant that the event recording should be taken place at the
   service endpoint as an effect.

   The record may contain the event time, which ssn is required, the
   phone number is found and returned, etc. It's not related with the
   decision issue of whether or not the answer (returned phone number)
   is right. I think it's another issue, and should be represented by
   another process.

Maybe.  It depends on who needs to know and in what context.  If the
main objective is to design an algorithm that uses web services to
accomplish goals, then the details of message events (sends and
receives) may be unimportant.

                                             -- Drew McDermott
                                                Yale University CS Dept.

Received on Friday, 3 October 2003 09:41:11 UTC