Re: Grounding puzzle

[Drew McDermott wrote:]

> I'll answer my own question....
>    We also need to strengthen the process description to make it clear
>    that the Ashcroft service didn't change the person's phone number and
>    then send you the new number.
> All we need is the pseudo-connective (when p e), used by the
> AI-planning community to mean "If p is true before the action, effect
> e is imposed after."  I'll make up a nice infix notation: p |-> e.
> Then we revise the ':effect' filed as shown here:
>    (define_process call_ashcrofts_friendly_db
>                    :inputs (ssn: US_Social_Security_number)
>    :outputs (pn: US_phone_number)
>       :definition
>          (send dest <= ashcrofts_pn_port
>        message <= ssn
>        response => pn)
>       :effect (forall (p: Person pn: US_phone_number)
>                     person_has_SSN(p, ssn(v @))
>      & person_has_phone(p, pn)
>     |->
>     pn = pn(^ @)
>      & i_know(person_has_phone(p, pn(^ @)))))
> Is that elegant or what?  

So far so good. But the modal operator "i_know" may complicate the formalism, while it brings more powerful expressiveness.

In this case, in addition to " pn = pn(^ @)", the another effect may be the recording of the successful query event. 

>    -- 
> -- Drew McDermott
>    Yale Computer Science Department

Yuzhong Qu
Dept.Computer Science and Engineering
Southest University, Nanjing, China

Received on Thursday, 2 October 2003 06:20:09 UTC