RE: Debating on the usefulness of supporting ... - Clarifying "standard web services" - Only for the sake of this debate, "WSDL and SOAP"

>On the other hand, using a context-based approach (like the one used in
>and WS-Coordination) the state semantics are no longer associated with
a >particular "instantiation" of a web service but, rather, with the
It would be fine with me. But I would like support for context-based
approaches in a massively industry backed standard as WSDL is. 

I guess that to focus the debate, 
I should not have used the term "standard web services".
I am sure there are different views on what are widely industry accepted
"standard web services".
Only for the purpose of this debate, let's focus on SOAP and WSDL.

So change this paragraph:
> Today standard web services don't support:
> a) The concept of stateful service instance
> b) Stateful interaction
> -  Object passing, neither by value nor by reference

Into the following one:
> Widely accepted standards WSDL and SOAP don't support:
> a) The concept of stateful service instance
> b) Stateful interaction
> -  Object passing, neither by value nor by reference

Thank you for the feedback

"We are particularly concerned with three of these standards: SOAP,
WSDL, and WS-Inspection." [OGSI specs- 3.1 Web Services]

Received on Friday, 20 June 2003 04:58:57 UTC