Re: Debating on the usefulness of supporting .... - Clarifying "Stateful Web Service Instance"

I use the term "Stateful Web Service Instance" with a meaning compatible
with the following:
"Grid services can maintain internal state for the lifetime of the
service. The existence of state distinguishes one instance of a service
from another that provides the same interface. We use the term Grid
service instance to refer to a particular instantiation of a Grid
service. " [6.1 The OGSA Service Model ] 
In this meaning, the relation between a web service and its stateful
service instances vaguely resemble the one of a class and its objects.
If Stateful Service Instances are supported, issues such as lifetime
management and remote instance references must
be taken into account.
In this meaning, "Stateful Web Service Instance" are neither pervasive
nor standard.

Thank you for the feedback

Received on Friday, 20 June 2003 04:17:27 UTC