Re: Is RPC/Encoded vanishing?

In a message dated 7/10/2003 8:15:36 AM US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

> Is RPC/Encoded form of SOAP is vanishing out and Doc/Literal form of SOAP 
> is going to be more popular in the future?

Hi Naresh,

I just wrote an article addressing the second part of your question 
(doc/literal versus RPC) for OSDN.  See:
<A HREF="">

(note: the images show up in Netscape but not in IE - this has been reported 

This issue has direct bearing on the work I am doing relating to 
the interoperability of data in a dynamic, distributed environment.
Thus, I am interested in the thoughts/comments of this group.

Best wishes,

 - Mike
Michael C. Daconta
Chief Scientist, APG, McDonald Bradley, Inc.

Received on Tuesday, 15 July 2003 02:26:13 UTC