Question about DAML-S workflow


I've just started to learn how DAML-S works in the whole, but confused a
little bit.

With WSDL, as I know, when we get WSDL file, we can create java interface
(stub) from it. And then we build a client side program to interact with the
service. However, with DAML-S, when I get a bunch of files: service,
profile, process and grounding. What can I do to activate the service
described in these files? I've looked around DAML-S website and this mailing
list for many times but haven't found the answer for it.

Could anybody help me to clarify this matter? I understand that my question
is a bit stupid, execuse me for my short knowledge of DAML-S.

Many thanks,
Tran Vu Pham
PhD Student
School of Computing
University of Leeds
Leeds, LS2 9JT
Tel: 0113 3431115

Received on Tuesday, 8 July 2003 08:59:55 UTC