FW: Re: OWL and Web services descriptions

Charlie Abela
MSc Research Student,
CSAI Dept., Univ. of Malta,
MSD06. Malta
Web: http://alphatech.mainpage.net
Email: abcharl@keyworld.net

-----Original Message-----
From: Charlie Abela [mailto:abcharl@keyworld.net]
Sent: 26 January 2003 22:14
To: sam@ksl.Stanford.EDU
Subject: Re: OWL and Web services descriptions
Thanks for your reply.

So since there is effectively research in this area, can you possibly
indicate whether it is possible to somehow get involved in such work? I
presume that the US-EU research you referred to is the SWWS initiative, is
there a way in which a keen student like myself can contribute in the



Charlie Abela
MSc Research Student,
CSAI Dept., Univ. of Malta,
MSD06. Malta
Web: http://alphatech.mainpage.net
Email: abcharl@keyworld.net

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Received on Sunday, 26 January 2003 16:14:11 UTC