Re: DAML-S: ParameterFlow.daml

Monika Solanki wrote:

> CongoProcessDataFlow.daml makes a reference to the following daml file
> for more details about dataflow bindings for the Congo example.
> Unfortuantely I have not been able to locate this file at the above
> URL.

Oops, you are right.  When we were assembling the 0.7 release, there was
some explanatory material about data flows  in a separate document,
which we intended to place at the above URL.  But then we decided to put
that material within the Technical Overview.  You will find it in
section 5.2 of the Technical Overview.

We'll remove the inaccurate comment from CongoProcessDataFlow.daml.
Sorry for the confusion, and thanks for pointing this out!

David Martin

> Any suggestions would be appreciated.
> Regards,
> Monika
> --
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> Monika Solanki
> De Montfort University
> Software Technology Research Laboratory
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Received on Wednesday, 22 January 2003 09:33:32 UTC