Call for papers, Grid computing for distant services at ICW'03

The First International Conference on Web Services (ICW'03)
June 23-36 Las Vegas

Special Session: Grid computing for distant services:

Grid technology has been in search of an efficient method to manage various
distributed resources, and web services is rising as a natural candidate
because of its functionality, flexibility and popularity. This session will
discuss challenges in integrating web services and Grid in scientific
computing. We are looking for ideas and discussions in following areas:
  Globus OGSA
  Web-based scientific computing
  Data management and resource management
  Grid-based mobile computing
  Distant visualization and other distant computing services
  Web services applications in remote collaboration
  Tools for the integration of web services and Grids

We expect contributed papers will help shape a framework for supplying
distant computing services on Grids. Please send papers related to 'Grid
Computing for Distant Services' to Xinlian Liu at

You are invited to submit a draft paper (about 5 pages) to Xinlian Liu
(address given below) by February 17th, 2003.  Please include a cover page
which states the name, affiliation, telephone number, fax number, postal
address, and EMail address of each author.  Please also indicate presenting
author (if accepted), and a maximum of 5 keywords.  Notification of
acceptance will be given by March 21st, 2003.  Final IEEE format
camera-ready paper is due by April 22nd, 2003.  The conference will be held
at Monte Carlo Resort June 23-26th, 2003 in Las Vegas, NV.  Conference
proceedings will be published by CSREA press; selected papers will be
considered for journal publication.

Session Chair: Xinlian Liu
Building 221, 9700 South Cass Ave, Argonne, IL 60489-4844
630-252-1881 (voice) 815-371-4121 (fax)

The 2003 International Conference on Web Services is the first international
conference focusing on web services.  The ICW'03 is a specialized conference
of the annual Multiconference in Computer Science and Engineering (MCSE).
Last year's conference attracted over 1600 researchers representing 66

Received on Wednesday, 8 January 2003 13:47:27 UTC