Re: Reasoner for DAML-S

Hi Daniel,

I've successfully used Teknowledge's semantic search service tool (Agent Semantic Communication Service) for crawling DAML+OIL pages and querying the resulting database.  See: 


I haven't worked with it myself, but I have also heard good things about KSL's JTP:


Mike Pool

At 07:40 PM 2/14/2003 +0100, Daniel Elenius wrote:
>Hi all!
>I need to 'query' DAML-S files for relevant properties, and possibly to
>some description logic reasoning with the ontologies... I'm using Java.
>What options do I have? I know about Jena (doesn't seem to do it, yet at
>least) and XSB with YAJXB or InterProlog. I've also heard about
>CORBA-FaCT. Are there other alternatives? What have people here tried?
>Which would be my best choice?
>As you can see I am new to this, so any feedback would be appreciated.
>Daniel Elenius <>
Mike Pool
Information Extraction & Transport, Inc. 
1911 North Fort Myer Drive, Suite 600 
Rosslyn, VA 22209 USA 
(703) 841-3500 x632 
(703) 841-3501 Fax 

Received on Friday, 14 February 2003 16:27:20 UTC