WWW2003 Workshop on E-Services and the Semantic Web


WWW 2003 Workshop on E-Services and the Semantic Web
Budapest, Hungary
Tuesday, May 20, 2003

Workshop Co-Chairs:
Fabio Casati (Hewlett-Packard Labs, Palo Alto, USA), E-mail: fabio_casati@hp.com 
Dimitris Plexousakis (ICS-FORTH and University of Crete, Greece) E-mail: dp@ics.forth.gr

Workshop web page: http://www.ics.forth.gr/isl/essw2003/

Theme of the Workshop

Two important trends are emerging in the World Wide Web.  The first is 
the proliferation of electronic services (e-services) and in particular 
of Web services.  The second is the emergence of the so-called 
"Semantic Web".  The confluence of these trends forms the basis for 
this workshop. The application of Semantic Web technologies to 
e-services requires the specification of service capabilities and 
behaviors. Such descriptions will enable the automation of a variety of 
tasks, including e-service discovery, invocation, composition and 

The upcoming technology of electronic services enables the development and
deployment of loosely coupled, interoperable, distributed, heterogeneous systems. 
These will help establish relationships amongst service providers, customers and
intermediaries more rapidly and with reduced setup time and cost.
The industry has provided the initial building blocks for programmatic 
access to e-services, through standards such as UDDI, WSDL, ebXML, BPEL 
and SOAP, and through e-service platforms such as WebLogic, .Net and 
WebSphere.  Nevertheless, many issues remain largely unresolved. In 
particular, many of the initial goals of the early e-service and 
Semantic Web visionaries, such as dynamic discovery, binding, and 
composition of e-services as well as their secure and reliable 
execution, are yet to be reached.
The resolution of these issues, possibly through the provision of 
machine-interpretable e-service descriptions through the emergence of 
the Semantic Web, could enable fundamentally new approaches to finding, 
assembling, executing, and monitoring e-services. 

Workshop Topics and Objectives

The "E-Services and the Semantic Web" workshop will 
provide a forum for presentation and discussion of theoretical 
foundations, computational techniques, and emerging systems 
technologies for e-service description, discovery, and composition.  
This will include investigation of e-services issues in:
- the application of the Semantic Web paradigm to e-services
- workflow and distributed systems (e.g., process models for 
e-services, transactional properties, security, optimization)
- AI (e.g., knowledge representation and reasoning, ontologies, 
planning, and verification)
- databases (e.g., metadata, data management)
The workshop will also address principled applications of these 
technologies in areas such as e-commerce, e-business, health care, 
scientific computing, education, and e-government.

The following is a non-exhaustive list of topics of interest to the workshop:

Formal Models and Languages for Service Description
Process Models for Composite Services
Service Descriptions and Ontologies
Service Registration, Discovery, and Selection
Service Assembly, Interoperation, and Re-use
Execution and Monitoring of Composite Services
Reasoning about Services and Composite Services
Verification, Proof and Trust Agents
Personalization and Preference Languages
Cross-enterprise service interoperation
Transactional Aspects
Performance Aspects
Distributed and Ambient Computing
Database Services for the Semantic Web
Business and Payment Models
Applications in Business, Education, Healthcare, Science, Government

Paper Submission and Review

Papers should be submitted via email to the workshop co-chairs 
(fabio_casati@hp.com, dp@ics.forth.gr).
Papers submitted to the workshop will undergo a 
peer-review process overseen by the program committee co-chairs.
Each paper will be reviewed by three program commitee members.
Accepted papers will appear in informal electronic and/or printed
proceedings that will be made available prior to the workshop.
Selected workshop papers will possibly be invited for inclusion
in a special issue of an international journal.

Papers should not exceed 5000 words (approximately 12 pages) in length and 
must be submitted in Postscript or PDF. Short papers (up to 6 pages) 
describing early research results are also welcome.

Important Dates

Deadline of electronic submission: March 10, 2003
Author notification: April 14, 2003
Workshop: May 20, 2003

Workshop Program Committee: 

Gustavo Alonso (ETH Zurich) 
Boualem Benatallah (Univ. of South Wales) 
Bernard Burg (Hewlett-Packard Corp.) 
Chris Bussler (Oracle Corp., USA) 
Vassilis Christophides (ICS-FORTH, Greece) 
Sara Comai (Politecnico di Milano, Italy) 
Jonathan Dale (Fujitsu Labs of America, USA) 
Asuman Dogac (Middle East Technical University, Turkey) 
Alon Halevy (Univ. of Washington, USA) 
Sheila McIlraith (Stanford University, USA) 
Peter Patel-Schneider (Bell Labs, USA)
Barbara Pernici (Politechnico Di Milano, Italy) 
Jerome Simeon (Bell Labs, USA) 
Mike Wilde (NASA Ames Research Center, USA) 
Steven Willmott (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain)

Workshop Steering Committee:

Fabio Casati (Hewlett-Packard)
Vassilis Christophides (ICS-FORTH Crete, Greece)
Rick Hull (Lucent)
Sheila McIlraith (Stanford University)
Dimitris Plexousakis (University of Crete, Greece)

Received on Tuesday, 11 February 2003 14:30:12 UTC