Re: Comments on daml-s 0.7 (Grounding)

Hello Nick -

You are quite correct that DAML-S employs an older version of XML Schema.  This
has been retained so as to maintain consistency with the last release of
DAML+OIL, which includes examples that employ the older version of XML Schema.
Our thinking has been that whatever tools work with the DAML+OIL materials, are
also likely to be the tools of greatest interest to DAML-S users.  Since the
DAML+OIL materials use the older version of XML Schema, we have assumed that
most DAML+OIL tools are likely to work well with that version also.

We will almost certainly use the latest version of XML Schema in the next
release of DAML-S (which may also be based upon OWL instead of DAML+OIL).  But
I'm not so sure that switching to a new version of XML Schema, in the current
DAML-S release, would be beneficial to the DAML-S community.

If such a switch would be either a help or hindrance to any DAML-S users, we
would welcome your input.


"Efthymiou, Nick" wrote:

> David,
> Version 0.7 of Grounding.daml refers to an XML Schema type `uriReference'.
> No such data type exists in the current version of XML Schema (
> );
> the correct type name is `anyURI'.
> You can find the details in
> , item 70
> To review:
> $ rdfdump Grounding.daml | grep XMLSchema
> triple("file:Grounding.daml#wsdlMessagePart",
> "",
> "")
> triple("file:Grounding.daml#wsdlOperation",
> "",
> "")
> triple("file:Grounding.daml#wsdlInputMessage",
> "",
> "")
> triple("file:Grounding.daml#wsdlOutputMessage",
> "",
> "")
> triple("file:Grounding.daml#wsdlReference",
> "",
> "")
> triple("file:Grounding.daml#otherReference",
> "",
> "")
> triple("file:Grounding.daml#wsdlDocument",
> "",
> "")
> To update:
> (a) Please change the type name from `uriReference' to `anyURI'.
> (b) Please change the namespace to
> Thank you!
> - Nick -
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Received on Tuesday, 4 February 2003 16:10:15 UTC