new paper: "Beyond Monotonic Inheritance: Towards Semantic Web Process Ontologies"

Hi Folks,
I and Avi Bernstein now have a distribution version of our new paper on how 
to represent process ontologies for Semantic Web Services, including esp. 
non-monotonic aspects of inheritance, and focusing initially on the content 
and inheritance behavior of the MIT Process Handbook which is soon to have 
an open source version. It's available 
Comments are most welcome.  Mini-abstract is below.

We'd like to present it briefly to the SWSL group at some point soon; it's 
quite relevant to the recent discussions on FOL vs. nonmon inheritance etc.


"Beyond Monotonic Inheritance:  Towards Semantic Web Process Ontologies"
(Working paper of August 16, 2003, submitted for conference publication).
By <a href="">Abraham (Avi) Bernstein</a>
and <a href="home.html">Benjamin N. Grosof</a> (NB:  order of authorship
is alphabetic).

<i>Comment:  Gives new  "Courteous Inheritance" approach that for the
first time represents
non-monotonic aspects of object-oriented style inheritance
in process ontologies so as to integrate them into the Semantic Web, focusing
on the <a href="">MIT Process Handbook</a>.
The approach uses the Courteous Logic Programs
subset of RuleML, and is aimed largely for use in Semantic Web Services.
The Process Handbook is a large, primarily-textual repository
frequently used by industry business process designers.

Prof. Benjamin Grosof
Web Technologies for E-Commerce, Business Policies, E-Contracting, Rules, 
XML, Agents, Semantic Web Services
MIT Sloan School of Management, Information Technology group or

Received on Monday, 18 August 2003 10:08:38 UTC