- From: Monika Solanki <monika@dmu.ac.uk>
- Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 09:23:53 +0100
- To: www-ws <www-ws@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <3D917299.6090304@dmu.ac.uk>
I have a few queries abt the Congo Example: 1. isPresentedBy In the walk through, it is mentoined : <service:isPresentedBy> <service:Service df:resource = "&congo;#Congo_BookBuying_Service"/> </service:isPresentedBy> whereas in CongoProfile.daml it is <service:isPresentedBy rdf:resource="http://www.daml.org/services/daml-s/2001/10/Congo.daml#Congo_BookBuying_Agent" /> there are two issues here: - should it be Congo_BookBuying_Service, or Congo_BookBuying_Agent - if it is Congo_BookBuying_Agent, then should the resource not point to :CongoProfile.daml coz I have not found any reference to Congo_BookBuying_Agent in Congo.daml Am I missing something...? 2. SubClassing Is it possible to subclass serviceProfile from Congo-Service.daml rather than from service.daml. or would it be incorrect.? any help would be well appreciated. Thanks.. Monika -- >**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**< Monika Solanki De Montfort University Software Technology Research Laboratory Hawthorn building, H00.18 The Gateway. Leicester LE1 9BH, UK phone: +44 (0)116 250 6170 intern: 6170 email: monika@dmu.ac.uk <mailto:monika@dmu.ac.uk> web: http://www.cse.dmu.ac.uk/~monika/ <http://www.cse.dmu.ac.uk/%7Emonika/> >**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<
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