Re: what to read on ontologies?

At 2:42 PM +0200 3/27/02, Thomais Pilioura wrote:
>I'm fairly new to this group so this may have been covered before.
>could you please propose me some sources of information (books, papers,
>etc. )for ontologies and their relation to RDF, XML Schema and web services?
>Does anyone know if there are any ontologies for describing financial

Thomas - this is, of course, a large area with much to read - one 
place to learn more about some specific thoughts on web ontologies is 
the recently released working draft from the Web Ontology Working 
Group "Requirements for a Web Ontology Langauge" --
  we would also welcome comments on that draft from you or anyone 
else- the mailing list was set up for 
this purpose.

   A very good paper (IMHO) for reading about ontologies and ecommerce is
  in which Deborah McGuinness summarizes some key uses of ontologies 
in the ebusiness world and has some pointers to other readings on the 

  As far as general reading goes, the email message
is part of a discussion in the WebOnt WG that discusses readings on 
ontologies, and has some good pointers.

There have been some research projects on financial ontologies, and 
there is an ongoing project at Teknowledge, supported by DARPA's DAML 
program, to do web services work in this area (see

  Hope that helps,
  Jim Hendler
  Co-Chair WebOnt WG

Professor James Hendler
Director, Semantic Web and Agent Technologies	  301-405-2696
Maryland Information and Network Dynamics Lab.	  301-405-6707 (Fax)
AV Williams Building, Univ of Maryland		  College Park, MD 20742

Received on Wednesday, 27 March 2002 09:15:21 UTC