Semantics for BPEL4WS?

XLANG is based on Pi-calculus and WSFL had a petri net operational
semantics, I believe.  Has anyone at IBM, Microsoft or BEA defined a
semantics for BPEL4WS?  I didn't see it in the specs below.  If not,
are there plans to do this and if so, what can you tell us of this?

Sheila McIlraith


Sheila McIlraith, PhD                 Phone: 650-723-7932
Senior Research Scientist             Fax:  650-725-5850
Knowledge Systems Lab
Department of Computer Science
Gates Sciences Building, 2A-248
Stanford University                   E-mail
Stanford, CA 94305-9020

Received on Thursday, 22 August 2002 13:24:18 UTC