Re: How to apply DAML-S

Dear Manooch,

> I am trying to model atomic services in DAML-S (for the moment). I would
> appreciate a bit of help to understand how DAML-S is to be applied. A simple
> service like P (which corresponds to an action in FIPA SL) with input x, and
> output y if execution of P is successful and z if execution of P is
> un-successful (a kind of error message). Would I be correct to model it as
> follows :
> P is an atomic process,
> P has an input x
> P has a conditional output y with the condition (execution-successful)
> P has a conditional output z with the condition (not execution-successful).

Yes.  That would be a reasonable way to do it.  

> Also a related issue: how does this process description map into a service
> profile? Will the service profile have one input and two outputs? Do we need
> to have conditional outputs in the profile models? Currently, the profile
> model only has output parameters and not conditional outputs, while the
> process model only allows conditional outputs. As I understand, once a
> process model exist, service profiles can be derived automatically. How do
> the conditional outputs map into output parameters in the profile model.

Correct.  The profile should have conditional inputs and outputs as
well.  It just hasn't been added to the release that is posted.

> With many thanks
> Manooch Azmoodeh
> Intelligent Systems Lab,
> BT Exact Technologies, 
> Adastral Park. 
> 01473 630594/605484 (phone)
> 01473 642459 (fax) 

Sheila McIlraith


Sheila McIlraith, PhD                 Phone: 650-723-7932
Research Scientist                    Fax:  650-725-5850
Knowledge Systems Lab
Department of Computer Science
Gates Sciences Building, 2A-248
Stanford University                   E-mail
Stanford, CA 94305-9020

Received on Wednesday, 10 April 2002 13:12:33 UTC