Re: Visualising Web Services?

Mark (et al):

Fantastic idea.  The GraphViz software is undeniably neat, and I don't think
if would take that much to write an interpreter for WSDL.  However - I
believe there are a few people in the third-party .Net world that are
writing WSDL interpreters for Visio 2002 as well.  If anyone out there on
the list is one of those, speak up!  I'll do a little research and try and
track them down.

I do realize the importance of having an open source implementation - as
compared to Visio's blackbox.  But you gotta admit that Visio is pretty easy
to use.  And WSDL is WSDL - even Microsoft admits that!


----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark Nottingham" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, July 22, 2001 11:05 AM
Subject: Visualising Web Services?

> Having spent a couple of hours familiarising myself with GraphViz
> [1], I can't help but wonder how it could be used to help visualise
> Web Services.
> For example, it seems like it would be fairly straightforward to
> write an XSL stylesheet that transformed a WSDL file to a .dot file,
> to represent a directed graph of all of the components of the
> service. The flow languages also offer some interesting
> opportunities here.
> Has anyone attempted this? I might give it a try if not, anyone
> wishing to help appreciated (as my XSLT skills are still young, as
> is my practical experience with WSDL... let's not even talk about
> spare time ;).
> Cheers,
> [1]
> --
> Mark Nottingham, Research Scientist
> Akamai Technologies (San Mateo, CA USA)

Received on Sunday, 22 July 2001 22:47:58 UTC