Re: WSUI article

I haven't had a chance to have a good look at WSUI, but the

  How successful they'll be remains to be seen since the W3C tends to
  recommend only specifications that a working group of its member
  companies has developed from scratch under its auspices. The
  Cambridge, Mass.-based organization tends to frown upon anything so
  prematurely described as a "standard," as WSUI has been by

seems to be pure conjecture from the author; SOAP was not developed
under the auspices of the W3C, yet it is a major component of the
Consortium's vision for the future. No doubt the marketing
departments thought it would be nifty to call it WSUI a 'standard',
without understanding what that means.

I don't think that the W3C is so petty as to refuse to develop a
submision - if it has technical merit, and fits into the vision for
the Web - based solely on such statements.

On Mon, Jul 02, 2001 at 09:46:25AM -0700, Darryn Sneller wrote:
> This article seems to be pessimistic about
> Epicentric's chances of getting the W3C to take up
> their interface initiatives. Do people agree? If the
> W3C moves too slowly on this, doesn't it hurt the Web
> Services community as a whole? Having read some of
> Epicentric's work, I think it is a viable starting
> point. Do other's agree/disagree on the merits of
> their proposals?
> Darryn
> P.S. I am not an Epicentric employee or associated
> with them in any way. :)
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Mark Nottingham, Research Scientist
Akamai Technologies (San Mateo, CA USA)

Received on Monday, 2 July 2001 14:44:29 UTC