Re: WSDL import questions

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On Mon, 2 Jul 2001 17:03:20 +0100 , in soap you wrote:

>Anyone able to shed some light on the wsdl import statement as described in
><>  ?
>In section 2.1.2 example 2 the import statement within file
>"stockquote.wsdl" appears to import a <schema> element (in "stockquote.xsd")
>as the direct child of a <definitions>, whereas the WSDL grammar mandates
>that the <schema> element should be contained within a <types> element...
>Further on the import statement within file "stockquoteservice.wsdl" appears
>to import a <definitions> element as the direct child of an enclosing
><definitions> - again this appears to be contrary to the grammar as laid out
>in 2.1.
>Is there some implied rules associated with a import statement (e.g. if the
>importee is a schema an enclosing <types> element may be inferred). If so
>maybe the authors could make the rules clear in the next rev. of the spec.
>Or maybe its just that I'm missing something :-(
>        Simon

Received on Monday, 2 July 2001 12:32:26 UTC