Hi Markus,

I think the problem with your suggestion is that it would allow a WSDL enabled
client to generate requests like the following:

which of course is invalid URL syntax. It seems like we have to do more, that
there has to be some convention established for using types containing multiole
optional elements. I suggest the following:
      <complexType name="someType">
        <group ref="someGroup"/>
      <group name="someGroup">
          <element ref="VERSION" minOccurs="0"/>
          <element ref="REQUEST"/>
      <element name="VERSION" type="simpleType1"/>
      <element name="REQUEST" type="simpleType2"/>

    <part name="HttpGETRequest" type="someType"/>



"Kinateder, Markus" wrote:

> Hello Jeff,
> as you said:
> "...the string content of an element of the required type is a valid value
> for the corresponding HTTP GET parameter."
> So maybe constructions like that would be possible:
> <types>
>   <schema>
>     <complexType name="versionType">
>       <all>
>         <element name="someElement" type="simpleType1" minOccurs="0"/>
>       </all>
>     </complexType>
>     <complexType name="requestType">
>       <all>
>         <element name="someElement" type="simpleType2"/>
>       </all>
>     </complexType>    <!-- further type definitions -->
>   </schema>
> </types>
> <message...>
>   <part name="VERSION" type="versionType"/>
>   <part name="REQUEST" type="requestType"/>
> </message>
> Valid elements of the defined types (in XML representation) would look like:
>   <someElement>1.1</someElement>
> or
> and
>   <someElement>GetQuote</someElement>
> The string content of those elements is "1.1", "" and "GetQuote",
> respectively. As you said, this gives valid values for the HTTP GET
> parameters.
> In this picture the type of a HTTP GET-Parameter would be the concatenation
> of all "TextNode-Types" contained within the element- or type-definition
> referenced in the message part. The name of the HTTP GET-Parameter still
> could remain the name of the message part.
> Best regards,
> Markus

Received on Thursday, 30 August 2001 11:56:25 UTC