[Repost2] Version of Part 1 annotated with typos

[Initial and second attempts did not succeed; resending as zip]

As part of my editorial duties, I have proof-read Part1 and found a 
number of typos (as well as some other items; see below), the most 
common one being the lack of spaces between words in a fair number of 
places. I suggest we fix these editorial typos, as well as the proposed 
word smithing, before we move to PR (and am willing to implement at 
least a number of them). The potential issues detected, or at least some 
vagueness in a few but fortunately limited places, could be addressed in 
a forthcoming errata.

I may perform a similar action on Part2.

For clarity, the typos are indicated using Word's changes feature.


Sent 14/3/2007, 12:55 CET

Received on Wednesday, 14 March 2007 17:33:35 UTC