Re: Http location text for

+1 to your proposed text. (Why did firefox automatically select my gmail 
identity when I responded yesterday? and the message got lost.)


Jonathan Marsh wrote:
> I still think the text of is a bit imprecise.  Below I propose 
> some editorial work to fix it.  I’ve included a MS Word diff version 
> as well.  I haven’t addressed the questions of “;”, “=”, or “&” in 
> this text, which are more substantial questions.
> The request IRI is constructed as follows:
> ·         The local name in a template SHOULD match at least one 
> element from the instance data 
> <;%20charset=utf-8#instance_data#instance_data> 
> of the input message.^† 
> <;%20charset=utf-8#HTTPSerialization-5073-summary#HTTPSerialization-5073-summary> 
> When there is no match, the template is replaced by an empty string. 
> Otherwise, the template consumes the first non-consumed matching 
> element from the instance data 
> <;%20charset=utf-8#instance_data#instance_data>. 
> The next occurrence of the template consumes the next non-consumed 
> matching element, and so on until all templates are processed. 
> Matching elements are consumed in the order in which they appear in 
> the instance data 
> <;%20charset=utf-8#instance_data#instance_data>.  
> Cited elements (i.e. elements referenced in templates) MUST NOT carry 
> an |xs:nil| attribute whose value is "true"^† 
> <;%20charset=utf-8#HTTPSerialization-2607010-summary#HTTPSerialization-2607010-summary> 
> .
> ·         Each raw template (|rawTemplate| production in the grammar 
> above) is replaced by the possibly empty single value of the 
> corresponding element from the instance data 
> <;%20charset=utf-8#instance_data#instance_data>. 
> No percent-encoding is performed.
> ·         Each encoded template (|encodedTemplate| production in the 
> grammar above) NOT preceded in the {http location 
> <>} 
> property by a "?" or a "#" character is replaced by the possibly empty 
> single value of the corresponding element from the instance data 
> <;%20charset=utf-8#instance_data#instance_data>.  
> All characters EXCEPT the following ones MUST be percent-encoded:
> o        |ALPHA | DIGIT | "-" | "." | "_" | "~" | "!" | "$" | "'" | 
> "(" | ")" | "*" | "+" | "," | ";" | "=" | ":" | "@"|.
> ·         Each encoded template (|encodedTemplate| production in the 
> grammar above) preceded in the {http location 
> <>} 
> property by a "?" or a "#" character is replaced by the possibly empty 
> single value of the corresponding element from the instance data 
> <;%20charset=utf-8#instance_data#instance_data>.  
> All the following characters MUST be percent-encoded:
> o        The value of the {http query parameter separator 
> <>} 
> property, if present, otherwise the value of the {http query parameter 
> separator default 
> <>} 
> property.
> o        The other characters, EXCEPT the ones in the range: |ALPHA | 
> DIGIT | "-" | "." | "_" | "~" | "!" | "$" | "'" | "(" | ")" | "*" | 
> "+" | "," | ";" | "=" | ":" | "@" | "?" | "/"|.
> ·         Each uncited element (i.e. each element not referenced in a 
> template) to be serialized, if any, is encoded as for an encoded template.
> ·         Percent-encoding MUST be performed using the UTF-8 
> representation of the character as prescribed by section 6.4 of [/IETF 
> RFC 3987 
> <;%20charset=utf-8#RFC3987#RFC3987>/].
> ·         Each double curly brace (|openBrace| or |closeBrace| 
> production in the grammar above) is replaced by a single literal curly 
> brace ("{" or "}" respectively). This provides a simple escaping 
> mechanism.
> **Jonathan Marsh** - - 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* [] 
> *On Behalf Of *John Kaputin (gmail)
> *Sent:* Thursday, February 22, 2007 9:15 AM
> *To:* www-ws-desc
> *Subject:* Http location text for
> Jonathan,
> as requested on the WG call today, here is (I think) the new text for 
> bullet 2 in section <> in part 2
> For each encoded template (encodedTemplate production in the grammar 
> above) NOT preceded in the
> {http location} property by a "?" or a "#" character, the characters 
> NOT in the following set MUST
> be percent-encoded:
>     * The characters in the range: ALPHA | DIGIT | "-" | "." | "_" | 
> "~" | "!" | "$" | "'" | "(" |
>       ")" | "*" | "+" | "," | ";" | "=" | ":" | "@" | "&".
> regards,
> John Kaputin

Received on Thursday, 1 March 2007 08:30:00 UTC