Yes, I agree. Prefix the values with "xs:".
On 1/19/07, Youenn Fablet <> wrote:
> I noticed that the CVS version of XsImport-1G/reservation.wsdl is still
> invalid.
> The schema part of it is using references to "string", "date", the
> default namespace being the wsdl namespace.
> We could fix this by changing these values to "xs:string", "xs:date".
> That is what I have done to generate results in the past.
> John, do you agree with this change?
> Jonathan, if that is ok, can you update this file?
> Regards,
> Youenn
> P.S.: Here is the part that may need the fix:
> <xs:schema
> targetNamespace="">
> <xs:element name="confirmationNumber" type="*string*" /><!--
> change this to xs:string -->
> <xs:element name="checkInDate" type="*date*" />
> <xs:element name="checkOutDate" type="*date*" />
> <xs:element name="roomType" type="*string*" />
> <xs:element name="smoking" type="*boolean*" />
> </xs:schema>