Re: Must XML schema elements by imported in WSDL 2.0?


Based on Arthur's proposal [1] and the minutes of the concall in which
the decision was taken [2], it seems that the WG never intended to
waive the requirement that a xs:import or xs:schema be present when
referring to elements defined in the XML Schema namespace.

Thus, I'd like to propose as a resolution that we change the text of
assertion Schema-0016 to read:

"A WSDL 2.0 document MUST NOT refer to XML Schema components in a given
namespace unless an xs:import or xs:schema /element information item/
for that namespace is present, with the exception of references to
built-in type components defined in [XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second
Edition], for which no xs:import or xs:schema /element information item/
is required."

For clarity, we should also add to section 3.1 a statement to the effect
that references to elements defined in the XML Schema namespace are
treated as ordinary references; as such, a xs:import or xs:schema EII
is necessary. (No RFC 2119 keywords here.)



Lawrence Mandel wrote:
> The following question arose while developing Woden [1].
> Assertion Schema-0016 (from section 3.1) states:
> "A WSDL 2.0 document MUST NOT refer to XML Schema components in a given 
> namespace unless an xs:import or xs:schema /element information item/ 
> for that namespace is present or the namespace is the XML Schema 
> namespace which contains built-in types as defined in XML Schema Part 2: 
> Datatypes Second Edition [/_XML Schema: Datatypes_/ 
> <;%20charset=utf-8#XMLSchemaP2>]. 
> <;%20charset=utf-8#Schema-0016-summary>" 
> The end of the sentence, "...which contains built-in types..." seems to 
> imply that only XML Schema types are implicitly available in WSDL 2.0. 
> Are schema elements also implicitly available in WSDL 2.0? For example, 
> if I want to define an input as follows
> <wsdl:input element="xsd:schema" />
> do I need to import the schema namespace?
> If the answer is yes, I suggest the assertion text be modified to 
> explicitly state that the schema namespace must be imported if schema 
> elements are to be used. As a suggestion,
> "...XML Schema namespace and an XML Schema type has been referenced. XML 
> Schema contains..."
> If the answer is no, I suggest the assertion text be modified to make it 
> clear that both elements and types are available. As a suggestion,
> "...which contains elements and built-in types...".
> [1]
> Thanks,
> Lawrence Mandel
> Software Developer
> IBM Rational Software
> Phone: 905 - 413 - 3814   Fax: 905 - 413 - 4920

Received on Wednesday, 15 March 2006 00:25:28 UTC