Fixes to LocationTemplate-1G

FYI, I made some fixes to testcases recently.



-          whttp:queryParameterSeparator was spelled incorrectly.

-          I had whttp:method="GET" set on the SOAP binding, instead of



-          whttp:queryParameterSeparator was spelled incorrectly.



-          I had defined faults and assigned them to <infault> elements in
order to test soap headers wherever the spec allows it.  However, none of
the three meps we support allows input faults.  I removed all <infault>
elements and everything they pointed to.  Note that this means we can't
actually test <infault> at the message level with the current bindings.
It's there strictly to support extended meps.


More will come, because Youenn, Eran, and Keith have identified several
other issues with the message-level tests.


Jonathan Marsh -  <> -



Received on Thursday, 21 December 2006 20:53:09 UTC