RE: Question on double curly braces with HTTP Location

I think the intention was to support curly braces in URIs without them being
interpreted as templates.  That is, how would one set a location uri to the
literal uri "{name}"?  WSDL will look for an
element named name to replace.  If I wanted the literal uri I'd have to
write it "{{name}}".


To say it another way, the templating mechanism replaces any occurance of
{foo} with the value of the element foo, and any occurances of {{ or }} with
the single character { or } respectively.


Jonathan Marsh -  <> -



From: [] On
Behalf Of John Kaputin (gmail)
Sent: Monday, December 18, 2006 3:45 AM
Subject: Question on double curly braces with HTTP Location


Part 2 section which describes the curly brace template syntax used
for {http location} contains the sentence:

"A double curly brace (i.e. "{{" or "}}") MAY be used to include a single,
literal curly brace in the request IRI."

I am a bit confused about why this sentence is here. I assume it is not
describing how to include a literal curly brace within the string enclosed
by matching curly braces in the WSDL because this string must be the local
name of an element, which by definition cannot contain a curly brace.

E.g.   whttp:location="?first={First{{Name}" is meaningless because
'First{Name' is not a valid local name.

So instead it seems to describe how to include a curly brace within the
value substituted for the local name enclosed within matching curly braces
during the construction of the request IRI. 

E.g. for whttp:location="?first={FirstName}", FirstName might be substituted
with the value 'Marvin{{' in the request IRI which represents the literal
value 'Marvin{'

Is this correct? If so, does this need to be specified here in Part 2 - it
seems it belongs in the specification that describes how to construct the
message (e.g. HTTP spec for an HTTP request)? If my understanding is
incorrect could someone please explain with some examples.

John Kaputin.

Received on Tuesday, 19 December 2006 22:42:09 UTC