problem with pattern attribute definition?


So, the pattern AII is REQUIRED (2.4.2 ed copy, bullet 3).  But if it *doesn't exist*, we supply a default value (, final sentence).

If that's the way that we always describe defaults (required attribute, which if it isn't there has a value anyway), then our description is really painfully awkward.  Is this a consequence of describing the "XML representation" via the infoset?  Is it boneheaded of me to think that if I see "the pattern attribute information item is required" that @pattern will always appear on operation?

Heh.  Can XPath retrieve the value of a defaulted attribute?  That's not apropos of much of anything, mind.

Amelia A. Lewis
Senior Architect
TIBCO/Extensibility, Inc.

Received on Thursday, 7 December 2006 18:36:13 UTC