Extensions handling in the test suite.

I am just checking in a fairly major update to the test suite, around
extension handling, including:


*	Added list of supported extension to each implementation
*	Added list of required extensions to each good/*/TestMetadata.xml
(<Input role="required-extension">uri</Input>).
*	Changed comparison algorithms to first check whether the required
extensions are supported by the processor - if not record "unsupported
*	Added WS-Addressing 1.0 WSDL binding support to wsdl-xslt..
*	Updated wsdlcm.xsd to support addressing extensions (including
creation of wsdlcm-ws-addressing.xsd)
*	Minor fixes to WSAddressing-1G and updated baseline.
*	Regenerated results.


This isn't a full solution to the extensions problem - that would require a
separate set of baseline documents for each set of supported
implementations.  To keep a single baseline, I generate WSAddressing-1G
results separately, with ws-addressing engaged just for that one test.



Jonathan Marsh -  <http://www.wso2.com> http://www.wso2.com -
<http://auburnmarshes.spaces.live.com> http://auburnmarshes.spaces.live.com



Received on Saturday, 2 December 2006 00:09:59 UTC