Fw: test-suite.xml question

I changed the test metadata so that the Identifier is the URL of the test 
case in CVS.

Arthur Ryman,
IBM Software Group, Rational Division

blog: http://ryman.eclipsedevelopersjournal.com/
phone: +1-905-413-3077, TL 969-3077
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----- Forwarded by Arthur Ryman/Toronto/IBM on 04/16/2006 06:03 PM -----

Arthur Ryman/Toronto/IBM
03/30/2006 06:00 PM

"Jonathan Marsh" <jmarsh@microsoft.com>
www-ws-desc@w3.org, www-ws-desc-request@w3.org
Re: test-suite.xml question


It's not an XML id. It's metadata recommended by [1].

I agree that it's confusion to encode it as an xml attribute. I'll change 
the schema. I use the path within the test suite as the identifier since 
it's obviously unique.

[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/test-metadata/#identifier-def

Arthur Ryman,
IBM Software Group, Rational Division

blog: http://ryman.eclipsedevelopersjournal.com/
phone: +1-905-413-3077, TL 969-3077
assistant: +1-905-413-2411, TL 969-2411
fax: +1-905-413-4920, TL 969-4920
mobile: +1-416-939-5063, text: 4169395063@fido.ca

"Jonathan Marsh" <jmarsh@microsoft.com> 
Sent by: www-ws-desc-request@w3.org
03/30/2006 01:23 PM


test-suite.xml question

I see [1] has an ?id? attribute, but it looks more like a path name. 
Specifically, it?s not an XML id.  How is this attribute used?  Should it 
be replaced with xml:base?
        <test-case id="documents/bad/Chameleon-1B">
 [  Jonathan Marsh  ][  jmarsh@microsoft.com  ][  
http://spaces.msn.com/auburnmarshes  ]

Received on Sunday, 16 April 2006 22:18:12 UTC