Re: Agenda: 17 November 2005 WS Description telcon

* Jonathan Marsh <> [2005-11-16 12:04-0800]
> ?         2005-11-10: Hugo to fix language "Binding component assigns 
>                       quoted string" in SOAP 1.1 binding, due
> 2005-11-16. 

Here is some new text:

  SOAP Action. If the Binding Operation component does NOT have a
  {soap action} property defined, then the quoted string value is used
  for the SOAP 1.1 SOAPAction HTTP Header Field (see [SOAP11]).

I could not remember and could not be sure from the minutes that this
was the intended fix. Umit?

Hugo Haas - W3C -

Received on Thursday, 17 November 2005 08:57:31 UTC