WSDL 2.0 features

To assist this afternoon's discussion over CR exit criteria, here is a quick first-stab at a list of 'features' exhibited by the WSDL 2.0 specification:

WSDL 2.0 Documents
    - WSDL 2.0 Import
    - WSDL 2.0 Include
    - Service Documentation
    - Infoset representation
    - WSDL 2.0 Element Ordering

Component Model
   - equivalence

Message Exchange Patterns (MEPs)
  - Operation Message References Message Labels
  - Patterns
       *Robust In-Only
       *Robust Out-Only

    - Operations
      * Styles
        - RPC
        - IRI
        - Multipart
    - Faults
      * infaults
      * outfaults
      * propagation rules
    - Interface Inheritance
    - Multiple Interfaces for the Same Service

    - Binding Faults
    - Binding Operations
    - Reusing Bindings

    - SOAP 1.2 Binding Extension
    - SOAP 1.1 Binding Extension

    HTTP Binding Extension
      - HTTP GET
      - HTTP POST
      - Cookies Description
      - Authentication Description
      - Transfer coding

    - extensibility

Type Systems
  - XML Schema
      * Inlining XML Schema
      * Importing XML Schema

The schemaLocation Attribute

   - element extensibility
   - attribute extensibility
   - Required Extensions

    Features and Properties
        - SOAP Modules
        - Abstract Features
        - Properties

MTOM and Attachments Support

Mapping to RDF and Semantic Web
- RDF Representation of WSDL 2.0

Received on Friday, 11 November 2005 04:52:36 UTC