Re: WSDL Action Item: Review LC75s Table

These tables would be very useful in the Primer.

On Sun, 2005-02-27 at 19:50, Asir Vedamuthu wrote:
> This is one of my action items ...
> > 2005-02-17: Asir to review table on how import and include actually
> work (added by JJM)
> For LC75s, we decided to incorporate a table that describes the
> visibility of XML Schema components in WSDL. On the call, we
> formulated the names and number of columns and rows in this table;
> location of the table; etc. I see some problems with LC75s decision. A
> copy of the first attempt is:
>    Directly in WSDL
>        In schema
> xs:import
> All components from the
> imported namespace are
> visible to WSDL (the
> schema must have an
> identical
> targetNamespace).
> Components imported by
> the schema itself are
> NOT visible to WSDL.
> xs:include
> All components included
> are visible to WSDL
> (the included schema
> must NOT have a
> namespace already).
> All components included
> by the schema itself
> are visible to WSDL
> (the schema included in
> the schema must NOT
> have a namespace
> already).
> wsdl:import
> The embedded schemas
> contained in the
> imported WSDL document
> are NOT visible to
> n/a
> wsdl:include
> The embedded schemas
> contained in the
> included WSDL are
> visible to WSDL (as
> long as they share the
> same targetNamespace).
> n/a
> In this table, ...
> Two products are involved: WSDL and XML Schema. This table cuts
> through multiple levels: XML Representation (xs:import, WSDL
> document), Mapping from XML Representation to Components
> (xs:import-->schema), and Component Model (embedded schema, schema,
> components ...) I like to emphasize that this cuts through multiple
> levels in two products.
> Other issues are, this table includes information that is beyond
> visibility. Example: "the schema must have an identical
> targetNamespace". But, that is a constraint. Most of these constraints
> are repetition. They are described in other parts of the spec.
> 'xs:include' is not allowed in WSDL.
> Another observation is, the information in this table is beyond the
> scope of Section 3, say wsdl:import and wsdl:include elements.
> Suggested Alternate Solution ..
> WSDL composition model offers four simple possibilities: including
> description, importing description, importing XML Schema and Embedding
> XML Schema.
> The goal is to describe the visibility of XML Schema components in
> the WSDL Description component for these four possibilities. In simple
> terms (recapitulating from different parts of the spec), at the
> component level (just one level, in one product):
>      1. Including Description (description/include) - XML Schema
>         components in the included Description component's {element
>         declarations} and {type definitions} properties are visible.
>      2. Importing Description (description/import) - None of the XML
>         Schema Components in the imported Description component are
>         visible.
>      3. Importing XML Schema (description/xs:import) - Element
>         Declaration and Type Definition components in the imported
>         namespace are visible.
>      4. Embedded XML Schema (description/types/xs:schema) - Element
>         Declaration and Type Definition components in the embedded XML
>         Schema are visible.
> Transcribing this into a table:
> WSDL Composition
> XML Representation
> Visibility of XML
> Schema Components
> Including
> Description    
> description/include    
> XML Schema components
> in the included
> Description component's
> {element declarations}
> and {type definitions}
> properties are visible
> Importing Description 
> description/import    
> None of the XML Schema
> Components in the
> imported Description
> component are visible
> Importing XML Schema   
> description/xs:import    
> Element Declaration and
> Type
> Definition components
> in the imported
> namespace are visible
> Embedded XML Schema    
> description/types/xs:schema    
> Element Declaration and
> Type Definition
> components in the
> embedded XML Schema are
> visible
> Let me frame the questions that we should ask ..
>       * Revisit LC75s? 
>               * if Yes .. 
>               * Accept the suggested alternate table? 
>               * Location of the table: section 3 or appendix 
>               * Normative or non-normative?
>       * Or, treat this material as purely editorial
> Regards,
> Asir S Vedamuthu
> asirv at webmethods dot com

David Booth
W3C Fellow / Hewlett-Packard

Received on Wednesday, 2 March 2005 00:46:34 UTC