Primer Review

I reviewed the primer for the HTTP binding and ext/versioning examples.
I did find a few things that need or could use changing.



As DavidB suggests, the example should be {checkAvailability}


Upon further reflection, I'd suggest changing the section a bit by
having the first example use the safe attribute and then an example that
shows methodDefault, rather than the inverse as is done now.


I suggest that example 2-14 just shows setting the defaultMethod. Change "The reservation service can accept" to "The reservation
service is changed to a newer version that can accept" s/Mandadtory/Mandatory/g Formatting of example needs indenting, operation needs closing > Formatting of example needs indenting for wsoap:action  The example should be


<xs:element name="ghns2:makeReservation" type="ghns:tmakeReservation"/>


<interface . . .>

   <operation name="makeReservation">

       <input messageLabel="In" element="ghns2:makeReservation" />


Received on Thursday, 30 June 2005 19:18:49 UTC