RE: Additional HTTP and safety primer example and text

The WG at the last f2f made the change that the http binding would set
the web method to GET if the wsdlx:safe attribute was true.






From: Liu, Kevin [] 
Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2005 3:50 PM
To: Liu, Kevin; David Orchard; WS-Description WG
Subject: RE: Additional HTTP and safety primer example and text




I have changed the primer to reflect the changes we agreed upon below,
except one item,


"Addition to 6.7



on the interface operation element.  The HTTP Binding will set the
method to GET if wsdlx:safe="true"


when tried to make this change, I realized that it contradicts with the
status quo of section 6.7 which says: 


"Although the wsdlx:safe attribute of an interface operation indicates
that the abstract operation is safe, it does not automatically cause GET
to be used at the HTTP level when the binding is specified. The choice
of GET or POST is determined at the binding level: "



As I stated in my initial response, such change involves semantic
changes to wsdlx:safe. It needs the approval of the group, and should be
reflected in the core specs first before included in the primer.


Best Regards,




[] On Behalf Of Liu, Kevin
	Sent: Thursday, Jun 16, 2005 12:13 PM
	To: David Orchard; WS-Description WG
	Subject: RE: Additional HTTP and safety primer example and text



	Thanks a lot to thinking this through.  Actually at this moment,
I am just looking into how to reflect the changes of safety in the
primer, your proposal saves me a lot of time:))


	I will incorporate pretty much all your propsoals except a few
point that need clarification. See my comments below.

	Best Regards,




[] On Behalf Of David Orchard
		Sent: Wednesday, Jun 15, 2005 9:59 PM
		To: WS-Description WG
		Subject: Additional HTTP and safety primer example and

		Section 2.4 and 5.1 example should change safe to
		[Kevin]  will do. we also need to change example 2.1


		I suggest 5.4.1 needs some text to describe how
wsdlx:safe can be used.  
		[Kevin] yes. 


		there are already 3 paragraphs in 5.4.1 explaining
safety attribute. I am thinking the only change needed is to reflect the
fact that safe is not an optional attributes of interface/operation any
more, but a global attribute that can be used with interface/peration.
what do you think?


		 My suggestion: The wsdlx:safe attribute may be used in
bindings.  The HTTP binding uses a "true" setting of wsdlx:safe to
indicate that HTTP GET is the operation, simplifying the HTTP Binding.
		[Kevin] is this adopted semantic for the wsdlx:safe
attribute? If so, I have no problem adding it to the primer. But I don't
want to introduce new semantic via the primer.


		Example 6.2 needs
type="" in the binding.
		[Kevin] yes, will add. 


		Addition to 6.7



		on the interface operation element.  The HTTP Binding
will set the method to GET if wsdlx:safe="true"
		[Kevin] yes, will do 



		I suggest a new section 6.8


		6.8 Safety and the HTTP Binding

		In the GreatH interface definition shown in example 2.4,
the wsdlx:safe attribute = "true".  The HTTP binding will use this value
to set the http method to GET, meaning that methodDefault on binding or
method on binding operation do not need to be set for HTTP GET.  The
HTTP Binding can be simplified to:


		<binding name="reservationHTTPBinding"


		      type="" >


		    <operation ref="tns:opCheckAvailability"




		The binding operation has used the wsdlx:safe attribute
to generate the HTTP GET operation.
		[Kevin]  if this is adopted semantic for the wsdlx:safe
attribute, i can certainly add this, but would probably add as a
subsection of 6.7


Received on Friday, 17 June 2005 17:02:50 UTC