RE: Primer comments, new issue

Hi David,
Are you suggesting we make all messages in the primer extensible?
otherwise, this issue can be closed as an duplicate of your later
message on "Many primer Versioning examples", right?

Best Regards,



From: [] On
Behalf Of David Orchard
Sent: Monday, Jun 13, 2005 1:00 PM
To: WS-Description WG
Subject: Primer comments, new issue

I noticed that the tCheckAvailability isn't extensible.  


I propose a new issue for the Primer, extensibility of example.


I suggest that we change the type to

<xs:complexType name="tCheckAvailability">     


          <xs:element  name="checkInDate" type="xs:date"/>      

          <xs:element  name="checkOutDate" type="xs:date"/>      

          <xs:element  name="roomType" type="xs:string"/>

          <xs:any targetNamespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>






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Received on Thursday, 16 June 2005 05:39:52 UTC