RE: Media Types doc: addition to the intro section


Yes, it does add just a little more clarity to what the spec is going to lay
out for the reader.


Tom Jordahl
Macromedia Server Development

-----Original Message-----
From: Anish Karmarkar [] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2004 1:45 AM
To: Tom Jordahl
Subject: Media Types doc: addition to the intro section


During the Toronto F2F you had expressed a concern about the
introduction section of the media types doc -- that it does not tie
everything together. During the discussion of this, it was agreed to add
additional text to the intro section which explains how the problem is
solved. We took an action to propose wordings for the additional text.
Here is my attempt to address the concern.

Current text:

Data sent and received over the Web typically uses the MIME media type
defined by [IETF RFC 2046], as the type system. For example,
"image/jpeg", "application/pdf". There is a need to indicate the media
type of the XML element content, for example, in messages sent and
received by Web services. There is also a need to express the media type
information using [XML Schema: Datatypes], which is the type system used
by [WSDL 2.0 Part 1]. This would allow XML-based applications, such as
Web services, to utilize the widely deployed and supported MIME media
type infrastructure.

[XOP] and [MTOM] enables one to serialize binary content (element
content that is in a canonical lexical representation of the
xs:base64Binary type) in an optimized way using MIME packaging. There is
a desire to specify the media type information of such binary element
content in a standard way in the [XML Information Set] and not just in
the optimized serialization of that Infoset.

This document specifies:

     * a mechanism to indicate the media type of an XML element content
whose type is xs:base64Binary or xs:hexBinary.
     * a mechanism to indicate in XML Schema the expected media type(s)
for an element content whose type is xs:base64Binary or xs:hexBinary.


Change the last para to -

This document specifies:

     * an attribute (xmlmime:contentType) to indicate the media type of
an XML element content whose type is xs:base64Binary or xs:hexBinary.
The value of the attribute is the name of a IANA media type token (e.g.,
"text/xml; charset=utf-16"). This attribute specifies the media type of
the content of an element on which it occurs.
     * a XML Schema annotation attribute (xmlmime:expectedMediaType) to
indicate in XML Schema the expected media type(s) for an element content
whose type is xs:base64Binary or xs:hexBinary.

The XML Schema annotation, xmlmime:expectedMediaType, specifies the
expected range of values for the xmlmime:contentType attribute and the
expected range of types for the binary element content.

Does this change satisfy your concern?


Received on Wednesday, 29 September 2004 15:47:09 UTC