List of non-fatal errors

Per my action item, I compiled a list of error conditions that would be classified
as "errors" if proposal [1] is accepted. The reference in parentheses is to the
section where the condition is introduced.

  (2.4.2) violation of the RPC style rules
  (2.18) broken QName references
  (3.1) referring to a XML schema component in a namespace
  for which there is no corresponding xs:import and/or xs:schema
  (3.1.1) importing a schema which does not have a targetNamespace
  (3.1.3) having an "element" attribute refer to a global type definition
  (3.1.3) having a "constraint" attribute refer to a global element declaration
  (4.1.1) attempting to wsdl:include a WSDL whose targetNamespace attribute
  does not match the targetNamespace of the document that contain the wsdl:include
  (4.2) referring to a WSDL component in a namespace for which there
  is no corresponding wsdl:import
  (4.2.1) having a wsdl:import element whose namespace attribute matches
  the targetNamespace of the WSDL document that contains it
  (7.1) having a wsdli:wsdlLocation attribute whose value is not a list
  of pairs of URI, the first of which is always absolute

I'd also like to remind the group of a change contained in my proposal [1].

The following statement in section 8.3:

  A conformant WSDL processor MUST fault if a portion of a WSDL document is illegal
  according to this specification and the WSDL processor attempts to process that portion.

when combined with the following one in section 8.1:

  An element information item whose namespace name is ""
  and whose local part is definitions conforms to this specification if it conforms to
  the XML Schema for that element as defined by this specification family and additionally
  adheres to all the constraints contained in this specification.

effectively forces validation of the whole document, because the wsdl:description
element is in the WSDL namespace.

In my proposal, the first statement above would be replaced by:

  (6) A conformant WSDL processor MUST behave according to [[links to the definitions
  for error and fatal error]] when it encounters an error (resp. fatal error) in a portion
  of a WSDL document that it processes. 

If the proposal is accepted, this would make validation of the whole document not required
anymore. Instead, only the processed portions of the document would be checked against
the rules in the "XML representation of the ... component" sections which, I'd like to
emphasize, don't require validation of the unprocessed children.

Finally, although I'd be happy to discuss the proposal further on the next conference
call, in order to reach closure on this proposal (and issue LC5f) I'd like to ask that
we put this issue on the agenda for the upcoming face-to-face.



Received on Wednesday, 3 November 2004 23:51:09 UTC